All Classes and Interfaces

Common regex pattern matching leveraged by most RuleValidator instances.
Trackable Entity classes that wish to benefit from automatic active date handling during querying should implement this interface.
Establish whether or not filtering by active dates should be enabled for this request.
Trackable Entity classes that wish to benefit from automatic active flag handling during querying should implement this interface.
Establish whether or not filtering by active flags should be enabled for this request.
A simple extension of ContextStateBuilder that always returns true for ContextState.mutable.
Represents the tenant concept of a storefront structure.
Reference structure for a Application to its individually assigned Catalog instances.
Published whenever a persisted representation of a Catalog has changed
Configuration properties related to applications.
Partially de-normalized representation of a multitenant application.
Defines a domain class type that supports tracking information (audit, sandbox and application).
Marker interface indicating support for application discrimination (no catalog), in addition to sandboxing support.
A complex object used to describe characteristics of an Authentication that are interesting for vendor-discrimination behavior.
Responsible for extracting information from an Authentication to determine its vendor privileges.
Type level annotation intended for domain classes and used to configure whether or not the system will attempt to auto configure mapping to a projection.
Real-world service implementations of CrudEntityService can extend from this class as a convenience to inherit CRUD behavior for a particular business domain type.
Real-world service implementations of MappableCrudEntityService can extend from this class as a convenience to inherit CRUD behavior for a particular business domain type.
Real-world service implementations of RsqlCrudEntityService can extend from this class as a convenience to inherit CRUD behavior for a particular business domain type.
Real-world service implementations of RsqlMappableCrudEntityService can extend from this class as a convenience to inherit CRUD behavior for a particular business domain type.
Establish a base Trackable repository interface that includes TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor as well.
Hold basic audit information to indicate author and timing for entity mutation
Hold basic audit information to indicate author and timing for entity mutation
A special DomainMapperMember which is responsible for adding basic audit information during entity persistence.
Developer utility for working with basic audit information for entities.
Describes several types that support solr indexing via batch message.
Message object used to inform the solr index service of a large list of Indexable objects to index.
Configure components including those for durable notification for BatchIndexRequest and BatchIndexRequestProducer.
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler related to BatchIndexRequestProducer.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Validate a boolean comparison SPEL expression
Originally copied from com.github.rutledgepaulv.pagingstreams.PagingStreams.
An iterator over a large set of elements that relies on a PageSource to fetch data in chunks as necessary.
Broadleaf specific keys useful for interacting with ContextInfo.getQueryHints().
Inform import related flows of configuration related to the bulk operation.
Configuration related to the bulk operation process.
A response returned by CrudEntityService/CrudEntityHelper for operations that involve persistence of multiple items at once.
Represents a repository domain instance that is capable of describing the business domain type to which it is related.
Support the BusinessTypeAware interface for determination of the proper Business domain type to associate with a repository domain instance.
Install the agent in a more resilient manner, with retries.
Send cache invalidation events via supporting message producer components.
Represents a catalog node in an overall catalog tree.
A simple interface intended to expose the minimal pertinent details about a multitenant Catalog.
Published whenever a persisted representation of a Catalog has changed
Helper class used to simplify sync catalog changes against a catalog discriminated domain type,.
Batch update a managed, catalog discriminated entity type based on Catalog#getGroups() and Catalog.getLevel() changes.
Responsible for performing vendor-visibility operations on catalog-discriminated entities.
Published whenever a CatalogTrackable entity has been deleted.
A mapping from the type being queried to the key in CatalogRef.getInclusionFilters() or CatalogRef.getExclusionFilters().
Utility class for fetching Catalog instances.
Response object indicating if tenancy is active, and if so, the catalog that was found based on the request, if any.
Indicates if tenant related functionality is active
Partially de-normalized representation of a multitenant catalog.
Reference structure for a Catalog to one or more parent catalogs.
Defines catalog visibility for fetch queries based on the status of the assignment of a catalog to a given application.
Entity that supports exposing marketplace catalog status infomation.
Defines a domain class type that supports tracking information (audit, sandbox and catalog).
Marker interface indicating catalog support (no application discrimination) in addition to sandbox support.
An extension of DefaultVendorAwareCacheKeyEnhancer optimized for requests on catalog-discriminated entities.
Container information for a change, used for grouping separate change information under the same top-level entity.
Marks a projection domain as supporting an overridable ChangeContainer.
A DomainMapperMember implementation which is responsible for mapping the ChangeContainer for a ChangeContainerOverridable projection domain over to its repository domain.
Before and after change information per property.
A ChangeDetailApplyException indicates that an attempt to apply a ChangeDetail to a target Trackable failed.
This component prunes the change details from production-level Trackable entities following successful acknowledgement of the PersistenceMessage's notification state.
Detailed summary information of a change made to an instance of a sandboxable entity.
Component capable of informing the system of a change to a Trackable domain.
Creates new ChangeEvent messages based on an entity instance.
Configure the durable notification components related to ChangeSummaryProducer
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler related to ChangeSummaryProducer
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Component responsible for applying data from a ChangeDetail to a target Trackable entity.
Helper class for dealing with JSON serialized object state (primarily in ChangeDetail).
Validate a SPEL expression that compares a variable against a collection of values
Repository agnostic interface for management of Trackable domain related to Application.
Application business domain specific version of CrudEntityService.
Repository agnostic interface for management of Trackable domain related to Catalog.
Catalog business domain specific version of CrudEntityService.
Default property overrides for the common library
Repository agnostic interface for management of Trackable domain related to MarketplaceApplicationCatalog.
A closure serializer that is capable of emitting a SerializedLambda for a dynamically generated Serializable closure that was not originally compiled as Serializable in the containing class.
A currency resolver that allows for a configurable set of CurrencyContextProviders
Conditional annotation that denotes whether tenant synchronization is active or not, allowing various beans to be initialized.
Context implementation version of ChangeContainer to be used with ContextRequest.
Exception handler for validation problems in the context request.
Override behaviors for contextId generation for Trackable domain
POJO representing context information regarding the current API request.
This is a generic hint concept that is used to influence persistence tier queries.
Container object for one or more ContextInfo.QueryHint instances.
A dynamic component that the NarrowExecutor will invoke to generate a Node filter string that can be parsed and set as a predicate on the ultimate query it is processing.
Declare instances of this class as beans to influence customization of ContextInfo in a general way upon entry into a service endpoint.
Allows the use of ContextInfo within @RequestMapping method parameters.
Provides functionality for resolving information from a web request into a ContextInfo.
Sets defaults when initializing a ContextInfo within a Spring controller argument
Specific context information related to sandbox and/or multitenant state.
Allows conversion of the X-Context-Request header json value into a ContextRequest instance.
Looks up partial data passed in through a ContextRequest like through an API or other integration and hydrates all of the data within the ContextRequest
A subset of information from Tracking placed on the business domain.
Intended to be used within a JsonView to demarcate requests which should include Catalog level in ContextState.ContextCatalogInfo responses.
A subset of the information in ApplicationInfo for usage in ContextState.
A subset of the information from CatalogInfo for usage in ContextState.
Defines additional information for the business domain that describes aspects of the entity related to the context of the request.
Defines a subset of RuntimeExceptions that are caused by errors when trying to build the ContextState of a ContextStateAware business instance.
Utility class for temporarily setting several values on ContextInfo for the scope of a block of code embodied in a Supplier.
A special DomainMapperMember which is responsible for performing any required operations on entities prior to their creation in the database.
Helper class responsible for providing basic CRUD support for business domain types.
Base service API for a given entity type.
Validate methods specifically inherited from CrudRepository.
Configure aspects and PolicyOverride instances for methods exposed via the CrudRepository interface.
While mapping from a repository domain that stores a numeric value to a business domain that utilizes a MonetaryAmount this gives the facilities to resolve a currency for the given source repository object.
Allows a repository domain object to contribute its own currency information to the MonetaryMapperMember when initializing MonetaryAmounts on the business domain.
Untility to allow for resolving the currency based on a supplied object and / or the ContextInfo.
Defines a domain class type that supports tracking information (audit, sandbox and customer context).
Marker interface indicating support for customer context discrimination.
Advanced functionality related to catalog maintenance and maintenance of application discriminated entities.
Advanced functionality related to catalog maintenance and maintenance of catalog discriminated entities.
Advanced functionality related to sandbox discriminated entities.
Configuration for engaging default Broadleaf support for Apache Ignite cache
Properties that influence cache settings for data tracking
Utility class for working with Spring Cache.
This project is configured as a spring boot starter, and as such can automatically engage behavior by being a dependency of other projects.
Factory class for generating Spring Cache KeyGenerator instances that fulfill common Broadleaf use cases.
Beans that are common to repository implementations of data-tracking
Validate a SPEL expression that compares a variable against a date literal
Specialized version of SortPositionStrategy that uses a decimal splitting strategy along with a String field representation for collation-based sorting.
Looks up partial data passed in through a ContextRequest like through an API or other integration and hydrates all of the data within the ContextRequest
Default implementation of KryoCustomizer
Default version of ModelMapperSerializer
Pageable implementation used to differentiate default PageRequests from specialized Broadleaf use-cases.
Validate Policy annotated methods
The default implementation of PreviewDateWebRequestResolver that resolves a preview date Instant from a NativeWebRequest when there is a PreviewToken present.
The default implementation of PreviewSandboxWebRequestResolver that resolves a preview sandbox id String from a NativeWebRequest.
The default implementation of PreviewTokenWebRequestResolver that makes use of the PreviewTokenDecoder to decode a PreviewToken from the provided NativeWebRequest.
Default instance of PropagationHandler.
Default version of PropagationManager
Default implementation of ResourceProvider.
Listen for SandboxDeleteEvent to come in through the SandboxDeleteConsumer sandbox message channel.
The default implementation of ScheduledJobContextService.
Default implementation of StringValueCodec
Base implementation of TransitionHandler that takes in a business domain.
Default implementation of VendorAwareCacheKeyEnhancer.
The default implementation of VendorVisibilityManager.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
ClassResolver that enhances the behavior of DefaultClassResolver to calculate registration ids for classes using a deterministic algorithm based on hashcode, rather than simply increment a counter.
Common interface for DomainMapperMember and DomainMapperManager.
Configuration for ModelMapper caching.
Configuration for ModelMapper caching.
Manages one or more DomainMapperMember instances as a transformation pipeline between domain types.
Individual contributor to a transformation pipeline facilitated by DomainMapperManager.
ThreadLocal context that hold class information harvested from Registration during serialization.
A subset of information from Tracking placed on EmbeddedContextStateAware embedded collections members of business domains implementing ContextStateAware.
Defines additional information for embedded collection members of ContextStateAware business domains that describes aspects of those collection members related to the context of the request.
An RSQL node that does not actually do anything except for handle visitation.
Allows a no-op visitor to an empty node
ThreadLocal context for passing a containing entity during Trackable.getNotificationStates() retrieval.
This exception is thrown when it is determined that a requested entity is not available.
Handle the entity missing exception to return a 404 status response.
Walks the class structure of an entity class and denotes field information across the graph.
Dynamically perform operations related to repository domain classes.
Perform a task and return an arbitrary object instance as response.
Validator used prior to mapping via the DomainMapperManager.
Given multiple EntityValidator, runs through validations of each of them.
Control aspects of how the system will treat fields exposed in an auto generated projection.
Represents a field-level override across catalogs, or a field-level change in a sandbox version of an entity.
Denotes a field that has been overridden.
Describes the type for a audit change.
Marker on a repository instance that allows Sort and RSQL filter requests to be targeted via an alias rather than the property itself.
Transforms an RSQL filtration request from the service layer and transforms its selectors into filters relevant for the given repository domain.
Reads from the repository domain annotated with FilterAndSortAlias to transform the original sort request
Utilities for processing FilterAndSortAlias
Helper class for working RSQL filter mechanisms
Relationship information about a Link annotated field and the target entity and target field a particular selector is pointing to.
Parse a String containing a structured list of filter params into the appropriate query criteria type to be passed to the persistence layer query.
The result of a request to move the sandbox state of an entity forward in the approval flow
Defines a domain class type that supports the expanded scope of tracking information (audit, sandbox, catalog, and application).
Marker interface representing full support for all methods in Tracking
Utility class to support graceful hydration of entity references.
Provides a reflective way to get and set id information on a POJO.
For persisted-domain entities that are not Trackable, this interface provides a vehicle by which to retrieve the unique identifier.
One of more possible user identity types.
Subset of RuntimeExceptions when an illegal state is discovered in the tracking context related to a Trackable such as when a ChangeDetail.getFieldName() does not matching any declared fields on a trackable instance or a field is a different type on the business instance and the corresponding trackable.
A marker interface that should be applied to persisted-domain entities for which index request messages such as SingleIndexRequest should be emitted during CRUD lifecycle operations.
The upward catalog hierarchy for a single assigned Catalog instance
Represents the upward catalog hierarchies for one or more assigned Catalog instances on a Application.
A catalog node in the hierarchy
This exception is thrown when it is determined that a request is invalid in any way.
Validate a SPEL expression that qualifies a collection variable's empty state
A default implementation of the PreviewTokenDecoder that decoded the PreviewToken from a JWT token string.
Properties used to support the JWTPreviewTokenDecoder in decoding preview tokens from JWTs.
Isolate customization and configuration logic for a Kryo instance prior to usage.
Mark a soft reference (contextId) field as linked to another repository domain class.
Validate a SPEL expression that compares a variable against a locale literal
Helper class responsible for providing basic CRUD support for a business domain type.
Base service API for a given entity type.
Marker interface to indicate that a PagingAndSortingRepository can also handle RSQL-based query methods.
Utility methods related to mapping activities in data tracking and ModelMapper
Reference structure for a Application to its individually assigned Catalog instances.
Published whenever a persisted representation of a MarketplaceApplicationCatalog has changed
Configuration for automatically reindexing Marketplace Catalog products.
Represents a service supporting domain and repository related to MarketplaceApplicationCatalog
Special environment processor for application runtime state suitable for generating ModelMapper serialized instances via ModelMapperSerializer.generateCacheResources(Class[]).
This auto configuration class is no longer used.
Simple bean to load ModelMapper cache during application startup
Properties driving behavior for ModelMapper cache
This DomainMapperMember implementation utilizes the ModelMapper library as the method of mapping between repository domain and business domain.
Provides a mapping definition between a business domain instance and a repository domain instance.
Helper component for accessing basic ModelMapper cache lifecycle functions.
Handle serialization duties for ModelMapper instances using Kryo.
Validate a SPEL expression that compares a variable against a money numeric literal
Enumerates the rules around which entities inherited from a Catalog may be modified when inherited.
Used to mark a TrackableRepository as a narrowing repository.
Customize aspects of Spring Data Web support.
Pageable that is suitable for denoting page boundaries for a narrowed fetch.
Serializer for NarrowedPageable.
Default controller exception handler for problems during narrowed query operations.
Based on a NarrowExecutor.QueryInfo instance, perform a query whose results are filtered.
In scenarios where data routing is disabled or has a unique configuration, these properties serve as a fallback for reporting whether the current configuration supports a particular narrowing flow.
More flexible resolver for Pageable implementation based on additional 'offset' and 'forward' request params that relate to UnnumberedPageable and NarrowedPageable, respectively.
This exception is thrown when it is determined that a mutation request is being made against an immutable entity.
This exception is thrown when it is determined that a operation is being requested without adequate permission available to the current Authentication context.
This exception is thrown when it is determined that a requested resource is not visible to the current context.
Validate a SPEL expression that compares a variable against a numeric literal (integer or decimal)
The CRUD type for a change operation.
Describes a method response object, or method parameter object, that can be validated for ownership against the currently logged in user.
Provides helper methods for working with Page, and the Broadleaf counterpart of UntotalledPage that should result from a UnnumberedPageable or NarrowedPageable request.
Adapted from com.github.rutledgepaulv.pagingstreams.PageSource
Exception thrown when the system is unable to parse a structured request param into a usable structure.
Default controller exception handler for parsing problems related to structured input from a outside call to the service.
Strategy for multiple permissions evaluated against a policy
Convenience methods used for processing permissions and authorities
Part of the NarrowExecutor.QueryInfo object that is passed to NarrowExecutor implementations.
Used to annotate a method that should be validated against one or more policies before the method is allowed to execute.
Responsible for processing AOP calls to Policy annotated methods and running those requests through a PolicyEvaluator before allowing the call to proceed.
Setup the bean involved in policy validation and enforcement.
A thread context to keep track of Policy aspects during validation.
Validate security context required to execute a method annotated with Policy.
Default controller exception handler for Policy related validation problems.
DTO object to hold information harvested form Policy annotations during runtime execution of validation.
An alternative to Policy used to introduce, alter or remove policy configuration on one or more component methods.
The result of the validation.
Default SPEL support for Authentication context evaluation.
Utility class capable of performing validation of a requested operation based on permissions available to the current Authentication.
In certain unique scenarios, the out-of-box policy context validation provided for a Trackable entity via TrackablePolicyUtils may be too restrictive.
Describes the different variance types with which certain entity policy validations can be disabled via PolicyVariance.
Common interface for PostMapperMember and DomainMapperManager.
Individual contributor to a transformation pipeline facilitated by DomainMapperManager.
As a ModelMapper PostConverter, supports discovery and execution of ProjectionPostConvert annotated methods in nested (arbitrarily deep) child object of a top-level ModelMapperMappable entity.
Interface that is expected to resolve a preview date of type Instant
Interface that is expected to resolve a preview sandbox id.
The response object used to provide the details of the preview token as well as the token itself.
Auto-configuration to instrument the services to support the decoding and verification of preview tokens.
An interface used for decoding preview tokens.
Exception that results from a failure to parse a PreviewToken from an encoded token string.
Interface that is expected to resolve a PreviewToken from a NativeWebRequest within a certain context.
Perform a post conversion mapping operation during the auto projection flow for a repository entity member of a related OneToMany collection.
Marker interface for service API rest controller components.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Represent a component aware of various CRUD lifecycles as they relate to deployment change propagation down through a catalog hierarchy.
Perform catalog propagation of entity changes post deployment, iterating through the catalog inheritance hierarchy.
Functionality supporting propagation operations such as those in PropagationIntegrator.
Integration component responsible for interacting with the propagation architecture outside of the standard transition flow (see WorkflowTransitionHelper).
Manager component responsible for aggregating one or more PropagationHandler instances and picking the best handler to perform propagation give a set of contextual criteria.
The propagation style for changes coming into an application from an inherited catalog.
An object that describes the type of a field that has been changed.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for receiving triggered job execution from the scheduled job microservice.
Configuration pertaining to handling the scheduled job for pruning acked or stopped NotificationStates from records.
Configuration properties for the behavior of PruneRestingNotificationStatesHandler.
A handler for scheduled jobs of type PruneRestingNotificationStatesListener.PRUNE_RESTING_NOTIFICATION_STATES_JOBTYPE that prunes outdated resting notification states from all TrackableRepositories.
A listener that accepts triggered scheduled job events of type PruneRestingNotificationStatesListener.PRUNE_RESTING_NOTIFICATION_STATES_JOBTYPE and delegates to PruneRestingNotificationStatesHandler to perform the appropriate behavior.
Configuration pertaining to handling the scheduled job for purging obsolete sandbox data.
Configuration properties for the behavior of PurgeObsoleteSandboxDataHandler.
A handler for scheduled jobs of type PurgeObsoleteSandboxDataListener.PURGE_OBSOLETE_SANDBOX_DATA_JOBTYPE that purges obsolete sandbox records from all TrackableRepositories.
A listener that accepts triggered scheduled job events of type PurgeObsoleteSandboxDataListener.PURGE_OBSOLETE_SANDBOX_DATA_JOBTYPE and delegates to PurgeObsoleteSandboxDataHandler to perform the appropriate behavior.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for receiving triggered job execution from the scheduled job microservice.
Part of the NarrowExecutor.QueryInfo object that is passed to NarrowExecutor implementations.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
The result of a request to reject a previous promotion
Thread local container defining information about the current calling context for a repository.
Beans of this type allow for contribution of repository fragments to out-of-the-box framework repositories.
Enumerates the possible types of identifiers available to resolve the tenancy and application context.
Provide system resource access to ModelMapperSerializer.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Parses the list of arguments provided during RSQL parsing into a list of real typed objects.
Helper class responsible for providing additional support for RSQL filtering for business domain services.
RSQL-specific variant of the CrudEntityService.
Parses out a cq request parameter into a valid RSQL Node that can further be sent down to the data tier
Default implementation of JpaFilterParser.
Helper class responsible for providing additional support for RSQL filtering for business domain services.
RSQL-specific variant of the MappableCrudEntityService.
Allows customization of an RSQL query before it is passed on to the repository layer.
Enumeration of supported operation components for RSQL filters
Walks the object graph of the projection object looking for any instances of fields annotated with RuleValidate.
Marker annotation used on fields declarations in a projection to indicate the field, when populated, will contain a SPEL expression.
Specializes in validation of RuleValidate annotated fields.
EntityValidator that specializes in compiling a list of all RuleValidate annotated fields in a projection object to be validated.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
The event that is sent when the sandbox is deleted.
Represents details around the sandbox in which an entity exists.
Properties related to sandbox propagation feature.
Defines a domain class type that supports tracking information (audit and sandbox).
Marker interface indicating support for sandboxing, without support for catalog or application discrimination.
Establish the cache context for this request.
This service is used to build the ContextInfo for the Scheduled Job.
A ClassFileTransformer capable of redefining InnerClassLambdaMetafactory to create Serializable lambdas by default.
For entities that are Indexable, this is the message payload that will be sent to request indexing on an entity.
A component that can build a SingleIndexRequest for a particular Indexable entity.
Creates a SingleIndexRequest message payload for a particular Indexable entity by delegating to the appropriate SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder.
Configure components including those for durable notification for SingleIndexRequest and SingleIndexRequestProducer.
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler related to SingleIndexRequestProducer.
A DomainMapperMember that is responsible for initializing the NotificationState for SingleIndexRequestProducer on Indexable entities.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
This is intended to capture a subset of information from Tracking required for determining the propagation information (i.e.
Repository domain should implement this interface in order to notify the system that they can be managed for sorting (see SortPositionRequest).
Responsible for post processing cache results that contain Sortable instances and actively sorting those members before return from the CacheStateManager.
Business domain interface indicating whether or not domain contains a specified sorting value.
Represents a request to update an entity identified by SortPositionRequest.updateContextId with a new sort value that is calculated by identifying the entity it should be positioned after (specified via SortPositionRequest.positionAfterContextId).
Allows the use of SortPositionRequest within @RequestMapping method parameters.
Represents an approach for updating a sorted field's value.
Transforms a request for a Sort that could be against a business domain to the actual sort relevant to the Spring Data repository domain class
This exception is thrown when it is determined the current sandbox state is stale based on the state of a target sandbox state.
Represents a repository that is capable of specialized record pruning operations
Validate a SPEL expression that compares a variable against a String literal
Codec responsible for encoding string literals in a SPEL expression with a easily replaceable label.
Represents a TransitionRequest that requires another sandbox target state be declared in order to identify the recipient of changes being moved from an original item.
Describes a domain class that can inform the caller of the last time it was updated.
The result of a request to examine the deployment status and archival results of a deployment request whose WorkflowDeployRequest.isRemoveTemporaryOverride() is true.
Specialized PersistenceHandler that listens specifically for repository changes to tenant domain.
Spring Cloud Stream wiring for tenant synchronization
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Configuration for service-layer tenant synchronization
Defines a domain class type that supports audit tracking only.
Marker interface indicating only archival, notification state, and change detail (audit) support.
Defines a domain class type that supports tracking information (audit, sandbox and catalog).
Describes the persistence behavior for an entity annotated with TrackableExtension.
Occasionally, an entity should inherit its TrackableBehavior from another class.
Configuration bean used to describe a set of replacement TrackableBehavior values for the requested domain class.
Informational POJO that describes the current state of a domain class related to its TrackableBehavior configuration.
Utility used to determine the TrackableBehavior settings for a domain class.
Exposes the functionality necessary to support maintenance of Trackable domain instances.
Default implementation of PermissionEvaluator responsible for checking the validity of a requested mutating method call on a Trackable entity given the current Spring Security authority and additional ContextInfo information.
Add one or more TrackableBehavior features to a Trackable domain.
Factory for creating API rest controller classes dynamically based on a projection class, and some common configuration information.
Version of PolicyUtils capable of validating request values against business rules related to mutability and visibility of tenant related information.
Special Spring Data Repository version targeted specifically at maintaining persistence for Trackable domain objects.
Marker interface to indicate that a TrackableRepository can also handle RSQL-based query methods.
Holds information related to audit, sandboxing, multitenancy and archival state (soft delete)
The workflow level for a record in the system
Defines the possible values for transfer types for TransitionRequests.
TransitionHandlers are responsible for listening for TransitionConsumers channel events (such as PromotionConsumer) associated with a specific business domain type.
Customize the list of TransitionHandlers used by TransitionListener.
Used to create TransitionHandlers for sandboxable entities and delegate to them when a sandbox message is received.
Listen for WorkflowTransitionRequests to come in through the various sandbox message channels (i.e., PromotionConsumer, DeploymentConsumer, RejectionConsumer, and ReversionConsumer) in order to delegate to the list of preconconfigured bean for TransitionHandlers.
Represents an item to advance or reverse in the sandbox approval flow.
A container object for information regarding a promotion of one or more domain items to a new target position.
Configure the durable notification components related to WorkflowRequestCompletionProducer
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler related to WorkflowRequestCompletionProducer
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler related to WorkflowRequestCompletionProducer
Allows setter generics for the entity Tracking implementation to directly reflect the concrete type of the Tracking instance variable.
Represents a Pageable for which page number are not used.
Serializer for NarrowedPageable.
This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to move the sort position for a Sortable entity to a position following another sortable entity that is not explicitly sorted (see Sortable.getSorted()).
Default controller exception handler for problems related to an improper SortPositionRequest.
Subset of RuntimeExceptions when an unsupported Pageable is encountered during a narrowed query fetch.
Denotes a Page in which total and page number information is not supported.
Return well-formatted JSON for an UntotalledPage.
An update with a service projection against a persistent store mapped by Update.getId()
This annotation is used to help SortPositionRequestHandlerMethodArgumentResolver to correctly populate a new SortPositionRequest.
A special DomainMapperMember which is responsible for validating the id variable state for update requests.
Configuration for validation of beans.
Thread context used to describe whether or not a policy validation is currently in progress.
Helpful class providing convenient methods relevant to validation.
This is an experimental feature.
If vendor processing is enabled, the current authentication and policy requirements will influence query results (via VendorNarrowingContextInfoCustomizer) and the reported mutability (via VendorAwareTrackablePolicyUtils).
An extension of DefaultTrackablePolicyUtils that understands what vendor(s) the current authentication is restricted to (including consideration for the current policy requirements) and can enforce access control accordingly.
Depending on the current authentication's restrictions/permissions and the current operation's policy requirements, it may be necessary to restrict query results to only include data from certain vendors.
Specialized instance of PropagationHandler capable of propagating vendor catalog (catalogs related to a vendor instance via the vendorRef property) changes into a promotion sandbox state in an associated application.
Responsible for loading marketplace vendor-visibility related configuration.
Certain entities can be "vendor discriminated", and may be associated to vendors in a variety of ways.
This is the top-level component that consumers should typically rely on when needing to perform vendor-visibility-related operations relating to entities.
A request for a deployment operation, moving all changes less than or equal to a requested version from the sandboxable state of an item to production.
A container object for information regarding a workflow operation that should be scheduled for future completion.
A container object for information regarding cancellation of a previously scheduled workflow deployment operation.
Maps data between original and target state for repository domain items.
A request for a promotion operation, moving all changes related to a promotion id from the sandboxable state of an item to the requested target sandbox state.
A request for a rebase operation, moving all missing changes from a more advanced sandbox state of an item to a less advanced state.
A request for a reject operation, moving all visible changes related to a promotion id from the sandboxable state of an item to the requested target sandbox state.
A container object for information regarding the completion of a TransitionRequest or WorkflowJobSchedulingRequest or WorkflowJobUnschedulingRequest.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Responsible for notifying the async message fabric concerning the completion of a TransitionRequest or WorkflowJobSchedulingRequest or WorkflowJobUnschedulingRequest.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
A request for a revert operation, archiving the requested user sandbox state of an item.
Helper class for executing a Trackable entity promotion and persisting state after.
Responsible for executing a Trackable entity promotion and persisting state after.