Class DataTrackingCoreAutoConfiguration.MoneyMappingConfigurationSupport

Enclosing class:

public static class DataTrackingCoreAutoConfiguration.MoneyMappingConfigurationSupport extends Object
  • Field Details


      public static final int MONETARY_MAPPER_ORDER
      Defines the ordering for the DataTrackingCoreAutoConfiguration.MoneyMappingConfiguration.monetaryMappingMember(CurrencyContextProvider) bean, which will be used by other currency-related beans to define their order relative to this.

      For example, a custom mapper could exist that copies the CurrencyContext from a parent object to all members of a collection in that object. This mapper must be ordered after the MonetaryMapperMember to ensure that the parent object has its currency context set before it is copied to the children. It would add some value to this number to define its own order.

      See Also: