Class WorkflowTransitionHelper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WorkflowTransitionHelper extends Object implements WorkflowTransitionService
Helper class for executing a Trackable entity promotion and persisting state after.
Jeff Fischer
  • Field Details


      public static final String LOCK_CONCEPT_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final long DEFAULT_LOCK_RETRY_INTERVAL
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_LOCK_RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS
      See Also:
    • lockRetryInterval

      protected long lockRetryInterval
    • lockRetryMaxAttempts

      protected long lockRetryMaxAttempts
  • Constructor Details

    • WorkflowTransitionHelper

      public WorkflowTransitionHelper(TrackableRepository<Trackable> repository, WorkflowMapper mapper, CommonCatalogService<Catalog> catalogService, com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.repository.ResourceLockRepository<?,?> resourceLockRepository, com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.notification.NotificationManager notificationManager, WorkflowRequestCompletionNotifier completionNotifier, com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.notification.NotificationStateService notificationStateService, com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.notification.MessageSerializationHelper helper)
    • WorkflowTransitionHelper

      public WorkflowTransitionHelper(TrackableRepository<Trackable> repository, WorkflowMapper mapper, com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.repository.ResourceLockRepository<?,?> resourceLockRepository, com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.notification.NotificationManager notificationManager, WorkflowRequestCompletionNotifier completionNotifier, com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.notification.NotificationStateService notificationStateService, com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.notification.MessageSerializationHelper helper)
  • Method Details

    • withSingleIndexRequestMessageFactory

      public WorkflowTransitionHelper withSingleIndexRequestMessageFactory(SingleIndexRequestMessageFactory factory)
    • withPropagationManager

      public WorkflowTransitionHelper withPropagationManager(PropagationManager propagationManager)
    • withTypeFactory

      public WorkflowTransitionHelper withTypeFactory(com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.TypeFactory typeFactory)
    • withEventPublisher

      public WorkflowTransitionHelper withEventPublisher(org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher publisher)
    • promote

      @SuppressNotification("SINGLE_INDEX_REQUEST") public void promote(WorkflowPromoteRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: WorkflowTransitionService
      Perform the promotion, moving the requested item forward in the workflow
      Specified by:
      promote in interface WorkflowTransitionService
      request - The request for a Trackable entity promotion
    • updatePersistenceState

      protected void updatePersistenceState(Trackable trackable)
      Setup the initial NotificationState on a Trackable entity in regard to the sending status of the PersistenceProducer.TYPE message for a persistence event.
      trackable - Trackable the entity which experienced a persistence event
    • notifyOfPersistence

      protected void notifyOfPersistence(Trackable domain)
      Inform the system via a message of type PersistenceProducer.TYPE that an entity has been persisted.
      domain - the entity that was persisted
    • rebase

      @SuppressNotification("SINGLE_INDEX_REQUEST") public void rebase(WorkflowRebaseRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: WorkflowTransitionService
      Perform the rebase, bringing an original item up-to-date with missing changes from the target that were created by another user. If the original has conflicting changes, those changes win.
      Specified by:
      rebase in interface WorkflowTransitionService
      request - Perform the rebase, bringing an original item up-to-date with missing changes
    • deploy

      @SuppressNotification("SINGLE_INDEX_REQUEST") public void deploy(WorkflowDeployRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: WorkflowTransitionService
      Perform the deployment, moving the requested item forward to production state.
      Specified by:
      deploy in interface WorkflowTransitionService
      request - The request for a Trackable entity deployment
    • reject

      @SuppressNotification("SINGLE_INDEX_REQUEST") public void reject(WorkflowRejectRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: WorkflowTransitionService
      Perform the reversal, move the requested changes backward in the workflow to the originating author's user state.
      Specified by:
      reject in interface WorkflowTransitionService
      request - The request for a Trackable entity change rejection
    • revert

      @SuppressNotification("SINGLE_INDEX_REQUEST") public void revert(WorkflowRevertRequest request)
      Description copied from interface: WorkflowTransitionService
      Perform the reversal, archiving the user state sandbox entity.
      Specified by:
      revert in interface WorkflowTransitionService
      request - The request for a Trackable entity change reversion
    • notifyOfCompletion

      protected void notifyOfCompletion(Trackable domain)
      Inform the system via a message of type WorkflowRequestCompletionProducer.TYPE that transition processing is complete.
      domain - The entity that was transitioned
    • updateCompletionState

      protected void updateCompletionState(Trackable originalTrackable, Tracking advancedTracking, TransitionRequest transitionRequest, boolean success, @Nullable Exception e)

      Setup the initial NotificationState on a Trackable entity in regard to the sending status of the WorkflowRequestCompletionProducer.TYPE message for transition completion.

      NotificationStates are ack'ed on the originalTracking.

      originalTrackable - The original item that was promoted in. This receives NotificationStates
      advancedTracking - the most updated Tracking available. In the case of a promotion, this represents the promoted state. In the case of rebases, this is the same as originalTracking. Can be null if not available (like in a revert)
      transitionRequest - The initial request driving the transition
      success - Whether or not the transition was successful (or failed with an error)
      e - The exception that caused a failed transition, if applicable
    • handleTransitionFailure

      protected void handleTransitionFailure(TransitionRequest request, Trackable original, Exception e)
      Handle failure of a transition request and notify the messaging system of the failure
      request - The transition request
      original - The entity targeted for transition
      e - The exception that occurred during the transition
    • applyReject

      protected void applyReject(WorkflowRejectRequest request, Trackable target, Trackable original)
      Apply one or more changes related to a promotion from an "original" entity to a target user sandbox entity (if any). In the case of no target, then clone and update the original to establish target state.
      request - The request for a Trackable entity rejection
      target - any available pre-existing target state
      original - The entity containing changes to reject
    • applyPromotion

      protected void applyPromotion(WorkflowPromoteRequest request, Trackable target, Trackable original)
      Apply changes from an "original" entity to a target sandbox entity (if any). In the case of no target (i.e. create flow), then clone and update the original to establish target state.

      Will emit PersistenceProducer.TYPE and WorkflowRequestCompletionProducer.TYPE messages after performing changes.

      request - The request for a Trackable entity promotion
      target - any available pre-existing target state
      original - The entity containing changes to promote
    • applyDeployment

      protected void applyDeployment(WorkflowDeployRequest request, Trackable target, Trackable original)
      Apply changes from an "original" entity to a target production entity (if any). In the case of no target (i.e. create flow), then clone and update the original to establish target state.

      Will emit PersistenceProducer.TYPE and WorkflowRequestCompletionProducer.TYPE messages after performing changes.

      request - The request for a Trackable entity deployment
      target - any available pre-existing target state
      original - The entity to deploy
    • evaluateForTemporaryOverride

      protected TempOverrideMapResponse evaluateForTemporaryOverride(WorkflowDeployRequest request, Trackable target, Trackable original)
      In the case where a change was propagated after deployment via VendorSandboxPropagationHandler, temporary override state for an application can be created. During subsequent deployment of that propagated application state, it is necessary to cleanup any temporary state that was introduced by VendorSandboxPropagationHandler. This method checks the request (specifically, WorkflowDeployRequest.isRemoveTemporaryOverride(), and also evaluates entity state to make a final determination via TempOverrideMapResponse.
      request - The deployment request
      target - The state receiving deployment, if applicable
      original - The state being transitioned from earlier promoted status
      The evaluation results
    • propagate

      protected void propagate(Trackable deployed, String parentCatalog, OperationType changeType, String propagationId)
      Given a deployed catalog discriminated change, recurse through versions of the entity in child catalogs and transfer the deployed changes using the process defined implementations of PropagationHandler. PropagationHandler instances are registered with Spring and ordered. The first instance capable of handling is used and others are ignored. This process is controlled by the PropagationManager.
      deployed - The deployed item containing changes to propagate
      parentCatalog - The catalog whose children will be checked for propagation items
      changeType - The type of operation to be propagated (CREATE,UPDATE,DELETE)
      propagationId - An id that identifies changes as part of this propagation. See ChangeDetail.getPropagationId().
    • propagate

      @Deprecated protected void propagate(Trackable deployed, String parentCatalog, boolean isDelete, String propagationId)
      Only supports DefaultPropagationHandler. Use propagate(Trackable, String, OperationType, String) instead for full propagation support. propagate(Trackable, String, OperationType, String) usage requires broadleaf.sandbox.propagation.enabled property be set to true.
      Given a deployed catalog discriminated change, recurse through versions of the entity in child catalogs and transfer the deployed changes using the process defined in WorkflowMapper.propagateMap(Trackable, Trackable, boolean, String).
      deployed - The deployed item containing changes to propagate
      parentCatalog - The catalog whose children will be checked for propagation items
      isDelete - Whether or not the change is a deletion
      propagationId - An id that identifies changes as part of this propagation. See ChangeDetail.getPropagationId().
    • handleRecordFailure

      protected boolean handleRecordFailure(TransitionRequest request, Exception e)
      Handle failure to find the target record for the transition
      request - The transition request
      e - The exception that occurred during the fetch
      Whether or not the message was successfully sent to the broker
    • lockTemporarily

      protected Optional<String> lockTemporarily(TransitionRequest transitionRequest, String type)
      Attempt to temporarily lock on the entity identified in the transition request
      transitionRequest - The transition request whose targeted entity should be locked on
      type - The type of transition
      The lock token, if the lock is successful