Class DefaultCommonCatalogService<P extends Catalog>

All Implemented Interfaces:
CrudEntityService<P>, CommonCatalogService<P>

public class DefaultCommonCatalogService<P extends Catalog> extends BaseCrudEntityService<P> implements CommonCatalogService<P>
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • readByContextId

      @Cacheable(value="trackingCacheByCatalogContextId", keyGenerator="trackingCacheByCatalogContextId", condition="@cacheStateManager.isEnabled(#root.caches, #root.args)") public P readByContextId(@NonNull String contextId, ContextInfo context)
      Description copied from interface: CrudEntityService
      Read a single instance of an entity in the form of a business domain.
      Specified by:
      readByContextId in interface CrudEntityService<P extends Catalog>
      readByContextId in class BaseCrudEntityService<P extends Catalog>
      contextId - The context id for the entity. This is the id by which the business recognizes the item.
      context - Context information used to discriminate the correct version of an entity by context id when multiple verions may be available across sandboxes, catalogs and applications.
      The narrowed entity instance in the form of a business instance
    • readCatalogInheritanceGraph

      @Cacheable(value="trackingCacheByCatalogInheritanceGraph", condition="@cacheStateManager.isEnabled(#root.caches, #root.args)") public InheritanceLines readCatalogInheritanceGraph(@NonNull List<<String,String>> catalogRefs)
      Description copied from interface: CommonCatalogService
      Given a list of catalog ids, find all parent catalog ids up the inheritance graph. This should demonstrate the full tree of catalogs up to the originating root nodes.
      Specified by:
      readCatalogInheritanceGraph in interface CommonCatalogService<P extends Catalog>
      catalogRefs - A list of catalog ids and immediate assigned mutabilities (see MutabilityType).
      All parent catalog ids up the inheritance graph
    • readTopDownCatalogInheritanceGraph

      @Cacheable(value="trackingCacheByCatalogTopDownInheritance", condition="@cacheStateManager.isEnabled(#root.caches, #root.args)") public InheritanceLines readTopDownCatalogInheritanceGraph(@NonNull List<String> catalogRefs)
      Description copied from interface: CommonCatalogService
      Given a list of catalog ids, find all child catalog ids down the inheritance graph. This should demonstrate the full tree of catalogs down to leaf nodes.
      Specified by:
      readTopDownCatalogInheritanceGraph in interface CommonCatalogService<P extends Catalog>
      catalogRefs - A list of catalog ids.
      All parent catalog ids up the inheritance graph
    • readCatalogChildren

      @Cacheable(value="trackingCacheByCatalogChildren", condition="@cacheStateManager.isEnabled(#root.caches, #root.args)") public List<String> readCatalogChildren(@NonNull String startingCatalogId)
      Description copied from interface: CommonCatalogService
      Find one level deep of child catalogs whose Catalog.getParents() includes this catalog.
      Specified by:
      readCatalogChildren in interface CommonCatalogService<P extends Catalog>
      startingCatalogId - The parent catalog whose immediate children will be returned
      The immediate children
    • readApplicationOwnedInheritedCatalog

      @Nullable @Cacheable(value="trackingCacheByCatalogApplicationOwned", condition="@cacheStateManager.isEnabled(#root.caches, #root.args)") public P readApplicationOwnedInheritedCatalog(@NonNull String startingCatalogId, @NonNull String applicationId)
      Description copied from interface: CommonCatalogService
      Find any application owned catalog that inherits from the starting catalog based on the requested application.
      Specified by:
      readApplicationOwnedInheritedCatalog in interface CommonCatalogService<P extends Catalog>
      startingCatalogId - The ancestor catalog from which to check inheritance
      applicationId - The id of the application that should own the inherited catalog
      The id of the application owned catalog
    • readLevel

      @Cacheable(value="trackingCacheByCatalogLevel", condition="@cacheStateManager.isEnabled(#root.caches, #root.args)") public Long readLevel(@NonNull String catalogContextId)
      Description copied from interface: CommonCatalogService
      Find the calculated sorting level for the given catalog
      Specified by:
      readLevel in interface CommonCatalogService<P extends Catalog>
      catalogContextId - The contextId for the catalog
      The sorting level
    • readByVendorRefs

      public List<P> readByVendorRefs(@NonNull @NonNull Set<String> vendorRefs, @Nullable ContextInfo contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: CommonCatalogService
      Finds all catalogs associated to the given vendorRefs via Catalog.getVendorRef().
      Specified by:
      readByVendorRefs in interface CommonCatalogService<P extends Catalog>
      vendorRefs - the set of vendor refs to find associated catalogs for. Must be non-empty.
      contextInfo - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
      all catalogs found for the given vendor refs
    • getCacheStateManager

      @Nullable protected com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.cache.CacheStateManager getCacheStateManager()