Interface TrackableBehaviorUtil

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TrackableBehaviorUtil
Utility used to determine the TrackableBehavior settings for a domain class. The decision is initially based on the presence of any TrackableBehaviorOverride beans that match the class (or are a superclass of the requested domain class). Otherwise, any TrackableExtension annotations on the domain class are used. If neither are found, and the domain class implements Trackable, then the domain class is considered trackable, but not sandboxable, application discriminatable or catalog discriminatable.

Configuring an override is as simple as declaring a TrackableBehaviorOverride bean in a Spring configuration file. For example, something like the following can be used to change the out-of-the-box annotated behaviors (in this case removing any sandbox or multitenancy behavior).

  TrackableBehaviorOverride itemOverride() {
      return new TrackableBehaviorOverride(JpaItem.class, null);
Jeff Fischer
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