All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ContextState extends Object implements Serializable
A subset of information from Tracking placed on the business domain. Useful for API callers when making determinations regarding entity mutability, field-level overrides across catalogs and sandboxable field state.
Jeff Fischer
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ContextState

      public ContextState(@NonNull ContextState contextState)
    • ContextState

      public ContextState()
  • Method Details

    • getMutable

      public Boolean getMutable()
      Whether or not the entity is mutable given the requesting context. Generally, factors such as permissions and catalog mutability are considered.
      Whether or not the entity is mutable given the requesting context
    • getArchived

      public Boolean getArchived()
      Whether or not the entity is marked as archived. This would generally only be true when fetching entities with narrowing disabled.
      Whether or not the entity is marked as archived
    • getFieldChanges

      public List<FieldChange> getFieldChanges()
      Field information describing field-level changes that have been made to the entity. This can include overrides in catalog scenarios. It can also include sandbox changes for sandboxable domain.
      Field information describing field-level changes that have been made to the entity
    • getLevel

      public Integer getLevel()
      Used to determine whether or not a record is a user sandbox record, a higher level sandbox record, or a production record. See TrackingLevel.
      The current state of an item as it relates to sandbox or production status
    • getCatalog

      public ContextState.ContextCatalogInfo getCatalog()
      Information about the associated catalog if the business domain is catalog discriminated.
      information about the associated Catalog if the business domain is catalog discriminated
    • getSandbox

      public String getSandbox()
      The sandbox id if the business domain is a sandbox record.
      The sandbox id if the business domain is a sandbox record
    • getApplication

      public ContextState.ContextApplicationInfo getApplication()
      Information about the associated application if the business domain is application discriminated.
      information about the associated Application if the business domain is application discriminated
    • getTenant

      public String getTenant()
      The ID of the associated tenant, if the business domain is tenant discriminated.
      ID of the associated tenant
    • getCustomerContextId

      public String getCustomerContextId()
      Returns the customer context id that is used to discriminate entities with TrackableBehavior.CUSTOMER_CONTEXT.
      the customer context id
    • getBaseCatalogId

      public String getBaseCatalogId()
      The id of the base catalog that the business domain is a member of.
      The base catalog id.
    • getOverrideCatalogId

      public String getOverrideCatalogId()
      The id of the catalog to which this entity belongs. This value will only be populated if this is an override entity. For example, an application level override of a product defined in a tenant level catalog.
      The override catalog id.
    • getSandboxChangeType

      @Nullable public String getSandboxChangeType()
      The sandbox change type associated with the entity.
      The sandbox change type.
      See Also:
    • getCreationTime

      public Instant getCreationTime()
      The timestamp for the creation of the entity
      The timestamp for the creation of the entity
    • getUpdateTime

      public Instant getUpdateTime()
      The timestamp for the last update of the entity
      The timestamp for the last update of the entity
    • getCreator

      public String getCreator()
      The identity of the creator of this entity.
      The identity of the creator of this entity.
    • getUpdater

      public String getUpdater()
      The identity of the last updater of this entity.
      The identity of the last updater of this entity. See ContextInfo.getAuthor().
    • setMutable

      public void setMutable(Boolean mutable)
      Whether or not the entity is mutable given the requesting context. Generally, factors such as permissions and catalog mutability are considered.
      mutable - Whether or not the entity is mutable given the requesting context
    • setArchived

      public void setArchived(Boolean archived)
      Whether or not the entity is marked as archived. This would generally only be true when fetching entities with narrowing disabled.
      archived - Whether or not the entity is marked as archived
    • setFieldChanges

      public void setFieldChanges(List<FieldChange> fieldChanges)
      Field information describing field-level changes that have been made to the entity. This can include overrides in catalog scenarios. It can also include sandbox changes for sandboxable domain.
      fieldChanges - Field information describing field-level changes that have been made to the entity
    • setLevel

      public void setLevel(Integer level)
      Used to determine whether or not a record is a user sandbox record, a higher level sandbox record, or a production record. See TrackingLevel.
      level - The current state of an item as it relates to sandbox or production status
    • setCatalog

      public void setCatalog(ContextState.ContextCatalogInfo catalog)
      Information about the associated catalog if the business domain is catalog discriminated.
      catalog - information about the associated Catalog if the business domain is catalog discriminated
    • setSandbox

      public void setSandbox(String sandbox)
      The sandbox id if the business domain is a sandbox record.
      sandbox - The sandbox id if the business domain is a sandbox record
    • setApplication

      public void setApplication(ContextState.ContextApplicationInfo application)
      Information about the associated application if the business domain is application discriminated.
      application - information about the associated Application if the business domain is application discriminated
    • setTenant

      public void setTenant(String tenant)
      The ID of the associated tenant, if the business domain is tenant discriminated.
      tenant - ID of the associated tenant
    • setCustomerContextId

      public void setCustomerContextId(String customerContextId)
      Returns the customer context id that is used to discriminate entities with TrackableBehavior.CUSTOMER_CONTEXT.
      customerContextId - the customer context id
    • setBaseCatalogId

      public void setBaseCatalogId(String baseCatalogId)
      The id of the base catalog that the business domain is a member of.
      baseCatalogId - The base catalog id.
    • setOverrideCatalogId

      public void setOverrideCatalogId(String overrideCatalogId)
      The id of the catalog to which this entity belongs. This value will only be populated if this is an override entity. For example, an application level override of a product defined in a tenant level catalog.
      overrideCatalogId - The override catalog id.
    • setSandboxChangeType

      public void setSandboxChangeType(@Nullable String sandboxChangeType)
      The sandbox change type associated with the entity.
      sandboxChangeType - The sandbox change type.
      See Also:
    • setCreationTime

      public void setCreationTime(Instant creationTime)
      The timestamp for the creation of the entity
      creationTime - The timestamp for the creation of the entity
    • setUpdateTime

      public void setUpdateTime(Instant updateTime)
      The timestamp for the last update of the entity
      timestamp - The timestamp for the last update of the entity
    • setCreator

      public void setCreator(String creator)
      The identity of the creator of this entity.
      creator - The user principal for the request. See ContextInfo.getAuthor().
    • setUpdater

      public void setUpdater(String updater)
      The identity of the last updater of this entity.
      updater - The user principal for the request. See ContextInfo.getAuthor().
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object