Interface UntotalledPage<T>

All Superinterfaces:
Iterable<T>,<T>,<T>,<T>, Supplier<Stream<T>>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface UntotalledPage<T> extends<T>
Denotes a Page in which total and page number information is not supported. UntotalledPages should facilitate paging without knowing the total number of records, or what page you're on. This can be more efficient than traditional paging, since a second query to get the total record count on each page request is not required. The paging is open-ended and there's no constant indication of how many pages there are. While a little less informative, this is acceptable with most modern paging techniques.
Jeff Fischer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default int
    default long
    default int

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

    forEach, iterator, spliterator

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    getContent, getNumberOfElements, getPageable, getSize, getSort, hasContent, hasNext, hasPrevious, isFirst, isLast, nextOrLastPageable, nextPageable, previousOrFirstPageable, previousPageable

    Methods inherited from interface

    and, and, and, and, filter, flatMap, get, isEmpty, stream, toList, toSet
  • Method Details

    • getTotalPages

      default int getTotalPages()
      Specified by:
      getTotalPages in interface<T>
    • getTotalElements

      default long getTotalElements()
      Specified by:
      getTotalElements in interface<T>
    • getNumber

      default int getNumber()
      Specified by:
      getNumber in interface<T>