Class ForwardMapResponse


public class ForwardMapResponse extends Object
The result of a request to move the sandbox state of an entity forward in the approval flow
Jeff Fischer
  • Constructor Details

    • ForwardMapResponse

      public ForwardMapResponse(@NonNull Trackable forwardState)
  • Method Details

    • withShouldArchiveOriginal

      public ForwardMapResponse withShouldArchiveOriginal(boolean shouldArchiveOriginal)
    • withShouldArchiveTarget

      public ForwardMapResponse withShouldArchiveTarget(boolean shouldArchiveTarget)
    • withIsOverride

      public ForwardMapResponse withIsOverride(boolean isOverride)
    • getForwardState

      @NonNull public Trackable getForwardState()
      The resulting sandbox state
      The resulting sandbox state
    • isShouldArchiveOriginal

      public boolean isShouldArchiveOriginal()
      Whether or not the originating item for the promotion should be archived. This generally occurs when all promotable changes on an entity have been moved forward (i.e. all are ChangeDetail.getObsolete()).
      Whether or not the originating item for the promotion should be archived
    • isShouldArchiveTarget

      public boolean isShouldArchiveTarget()
      Whether or not the target of the promotion should be archived. This generally occurs when the during a deployment as the result of a delete promotion.
      Whether or not the target of the promotion should be archived
    • isOverride

      public boolean isOverride()
      Whether or not the state is an override of an item from another catalog. Only applies to deployments.
      Whether or not the state is an override of an item from another catalog
    • setShouldArchiveOriginal

      public void setShouldArchiveOriginal(boolean shouldArchiveOriginal)
      Whether or not the originating item for the promotion should be archived. This generally occurs when all promotable changes on an entity have been moved forward (i.e. all are ChangeDetail.getObsolete()).
      shouldArchiveOriginal - Whether or not the originating item for the promotion should be archived
    • setShouldArchiveTarget

      public void setShouldArchiveTarget(boolean shouldArchiveTarget)
      Whether or not the target of the promotion should be archived. This generally occurs when the during a deployment as the result of a delete promotion.
      shouldArchiveTarget - Whether or not the target of the promotion should be archived
    • setOverride

      public void setOverride(boolean isOverride)
      Whether or not the state is an override of an item from another catalog. Only applies to deployments.
      isOverride - Whether or not the state is an override of an item from another catalog
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object