Class RsqlCrudEntityHelper


public class RsqlCrudEntityHelper extends Object
Helper class responsible for providing additional support for RSQL filtering for business domain services. This service is intended to be used in support of RsqlCrudEntityServices and most methods require passing in those services' TrackableRepository dependency.

Typically, it is sufficient to extend BaseRsqlCrudEntityService in order to gain access to this helper; however, if a service implementation spans several repository types, it is recommend to inject this class instead. In such a case, this helper also provides access to a CrudEntityHelper bean.

 public class DefaultMyService<P extends MyPayload> implements MyService<P> {

 private final RsqlCrudEntityService<MyPayload> helper;
 private final MyTrackableRepository repository;

    public DefaultMyService(MyTrackableRepository repository, DomainMapperManager mapper) {
        this.helper = new RsqlCrudEntityService(repository, mapper);
        this repository = repository;

Phillip Verheyden (phillipuniverse), Nathan Moore (nathandmoore)
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • readAll

      public <P, R extends TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor<Trackable> & TrackableRepository<Trackable>> List<P> readAll(@NonNull cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters, @Nullable sort, @Nullable ContextInfo context, @NonNull R repository)
      Retrieve all domain instances using a structured query string to drive the query criteria. The filters string is parsed by an internal implementation and the result is added to the query before executing the fetch against the persistence store. See FilterParser for more information.

      This version also accepts a formatted sort string that declares the sorting characteristics for the query. See SortTransformer for more information.

      filters - the RSQL Node used to restrict result, must not be null
      sort - The string containing the structured list of sorts to apply
      context - Request context information around sandbox and multitenant state
      repository - A repository that implements TrackableRepository and TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor to perform the persistence operation
      The list of narrowed, sorted entities
    • readAll

      public <P, R extends TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor<Trackable> & TrackableRepository<Trackable>> List<P> readAll(@NonNull cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters, @Nullable ContextInfo context, @NonNull R repository)
      Retrieve all domain instances using a structured query string to drive the query criteria. The filters string is parsed by an internal implementation and the result is added to the query before executing the fetch against the persistence store. See FilterParser for more information.
      filters - the RSQL Node used to restrict result, must not be null
      context - Request context information around sandbox and multitenant state
      repository - A repository that implements TrackableRepository and TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor to perform the persistence operation
      The list of narrowed, sorted entities
    • readAll

      public <P, R extends TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor<Trackable> & TrackableRepository<Trackable>><P> readAll(@NonNull cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters, @Nullable sort, @NonNull pageable, @Nullable ContextInfo context, @NonNull R repository)
      Retrieve all domain instances using a structured query string to drive the query criteria. The filters string is parsed by an internal implementation and the result is added to the query before executing the fetch against the persistence store. See FilterParser for more information.

      This version also accepts a Sort to apply to the result set

      filters - the RSQL Node used to restrict result, must not be null
      sort - sort to apply to the query
      pageable - may be Pageable.unpaged(), must not be null.
      context - Request context information around sandbox and multitenant state
      repository - A repository that implements TrackableRepository and TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor to perform the persistence operation
      The subset (page) of narrowed entities
    • readAll

      public <P, R extends TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor<Trackable> & TrackableRepository<Trackable>><P> readAll(@NonNull cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters, @NonNull pageable, @Nullable ContextInfo context, @NonNull R repository)
      Retrieve all domain instances using a structured query string to drive the query criteria. The filters string is parsed by an internal implementation and the result is added to the query before executing the fetch against the persistence store. See FilterParser for more information.
      filters - the RSQL Node used to restrict result, must not be null
      pageable - may be Pageable.unpaged(), must not be null.
      context - Request context information around sandbox and multitenant state
      repository - A repository that implements TrackableRepository and TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor to perform the persistence operation
      The subset (page) of narrowed entities
    • transform

      @NonNull public cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node transform(@Nullable cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters, @NonNull TrackableRepository<Trackable> repository)
      Transforms filters from properties that target a projection into ones that apply to a backing repository provider domain object
      filters - RSQL filters targeting a projection domain
      repository - A TrackableRepository form which to glean entity information for the transformation
      null if filters is null, otherwise an RSQL query suitable for targeting a repository domain object.
      See Also:
    • castToRsqlRepository

      public <R extends TrackableRepository<Trackable> & TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor<Trackable>> R castToRsqlRepository(TrackableRepository<Trackable> repository)
      Since most of the methods in the service require a repository that implements both TrackableRepository and TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor, this method provides a convenient way to handle that casting.
      Type Parameters:
      R - used to do the multi-interface check.
      repository - Since most services that use this helper will use TrackableRepositories, this method expects that as the argument.
      A TrackableRepository that also implements TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor cast in such a way as to allow type checking for both interfaces for use with this service's methods.
    • getCrudEntityHelper

      @NonNull public CrudEntityHelper getCrudEntityHelper()
      Provides access to the internal CrudEntityHelper so as to avoid having to inject it again.
      the internal CrudEntityHelper
      See Also:
    • getRsqlQueryTransformers

      @NonNull protected List<RsqlQueryTransformer> getRsqlQueryTransformers()