Interface EmbeddedContextStateAware

public interface EmbeddedContextStateAware
Defines additional information for embedded collection members of ContextStateAware business domains that describes aspects of those collection members related to the context of the request. For example which member items were changed and which fields therein.

A collection member item's EmbeddedContextState is only populated when coming out of the repository domain that maps into a business domain. This is not designed to be used in other scenarios.

Indicating that your embedded collection object should receive a context is as simple as implementing this interface for any business-domain equivalent of a collection item belonging to a repository domain that implements Tracking.

Nathan Moore (nathandmoore)
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieves additional information for the business domain's embedded collection members that describes aspects of those members related to the context of the request
    Set additional information for the business domain's embedded collection members that describes aspects of those members related to the context of the request
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getContextState

      EmbeddedContextState getContextState()
      Retrieves additional information for the business domain's embedded collection members that describes aspects of those members related to the context of the request
      additional information for the business domain's embedded collection members that describes aspects of those members related to the context of the request
    • setContextState

      void setContextState(EmbeddedContextState contextState)
      Set additional information for the business domain's embedded collection members that describes aspects of those members related to the context of the request
      contextState - additional information for the business domain's embedded collection members that describes aspects of those members related to the context of the request