All Known Implementing Classes:
EntityValidatorManager, RuleValidatorManager

public interface EntityValidator

Validator used prior to mapping via the DomainMapperManager. Modeled very similarly after Spring's Validator except with an additional ContextInfo along with explicit invocations for create/update/replace used in the CrudEntityHelper.

To use EntityValidator in contexts outside of the CrudEntityHelper, consider injecting the EntityValidatorManager instead, which has a group of EntityValidator instances inside of it.

Phillip Verheyden (phillipuniverse)
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    supports(Class<?> serviceClass, ContextInfo context)
    Whether or not this validator supports validating the given service class
    default void
    validate(Object businessInstance, org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, ContextInfo context)
    Default validation that handles create, replace and update.
    default void
    validateForCreate(Object businessInstance, org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, ContextInfo context)
    Validate a new repositoryInstance being added based on its businessInstance representation
    default void
    validateForReplace(Object businessInstance, org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, ContextInfo context)
    Validate a replacement for the repositoryInstance.
    default void
    validateForUpdate(Object updatedBusinessInstance, org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, ContextInfo context)
    Validate an update to a repositoryInstance based upon the business representation of the result of applying the update.
  • Method Details

    • supports

      boolean supports(Class<?> serviceClass, ContextInfo context)
      Whether or not this validator supports validating the given service class
      serviceClass - the
      context - what context this validator is running in
      whether or not this validator should be executed
    • validate

      default void validate(@NonNull Object businessInstance, @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, ContextInfo context)

      Default validation that handles create, replace and update. This is invoked by default by each individual lifecycle method and is available as a simple override point for global validation that should apply to all contexts.

      businessInstance - representation of the repositoryInstance
      errors - holder for validation context information. When adding field validation errors, the field names should be in the context of the businessInstance
      context - current context this validation is running in
    • validateForCreate

      default void validateForCreate(@NonNull Object businessInstance, @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, ContextInfo context)
      Validate a new repositoryInstance being added based on its businessInstance representation
      businessInstance - representation of the repositoryInstance being used to create
      errors - holder for validation context information. When adding field validation errors, the field names should be in the context of the businessInstance
      context - current context this validation is running in
    • validateForUpdate

      default void validateForUpdate(@NonNull Object updatedBusinessInstance, @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, ContextInfo context)
      Validate an update to a repositoryInstance based upon the business representation of the result of applying the update.

      Note that this method validates updatedBusinessInstance, which is the businessInstance representation of the repositoryInstance after applying the requested changes (but before persisting them). updatedBusinessInstance is not an object that just contains the requested changes.

      updatedBusinessInstance - the business representation of the result of applying some updates to an existing repositoryInstance
      errors - holder for validation context information. When adding field validation errors, the field names should be in the context of the updatedBusinessInstance
      context - current context this validation is running in
    • validateForReplace

      default void validateForReplace(@NonNull Object businessInstance, @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, ContextInfo context)
      Validate a replacement for the repositoryInstance. All fields in businessInstance are direct replacements for those in repositoryInstance
      businessInstance - representation of the repositoryInstance being used as a replacement
      errors - holder for validation context information. When adding field validation errors, the field names should be in the context of the businessInstance
      context - current context this validation is running in