Class DefaultChangeTransformer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ChangeTransformer, org.springframework.core.Ordered

public class DefaultChangeTransformer extends Object implements ChangeTransformer
Jeff Fischer
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultChangeTransformer

      public DefaultChangeTransformer(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper fieldChangeMapper)
  • Method Details

    • applyChanges

      public boolean applyChanges(ChangeDetail detail, Trackable target, boolean reverse, boolean addDetail, boolean validateDetailVersion, String explicitVersion)
      Apply a ChangeDetail to a target entity. Note, this implementation takes special care to keep ChangeDetails sorted according to ChangeDetail.getVersion(). Also, if validateDetailVersion is true, it makes sure if a newer version ChangeDetail has already been applied for the same field, it will not apply the older ChangeDetail value to the entity field.
      Specified by:
      applyChanges in interface ChangeTransformer
      detail - The change to apply
      target - The target entity receiving the field update
      reverse - Whether to reverse and apply the detail before value, or not reverse and apply the after value
      addDetail - Whether or not the detail should be added to the details collection on the target. If you were simply running through existing details to reset values, you would not want to add the details again as you did so, for example.
      validateDetailVersion - Whether or not to check the detail version against any already applied changes for the field. This is useful if you want to make sure that an older version cannot override an already applied newer version. Primarily used during deploy.
      explicitVersion - An indicator of change state for a sandbox entity (see ChangeDetail.getVersion())
      Whether or not this transformer handled application of this ChangeDetail. Return false if the transformer wants to ignore a given ChangeDetail, thereby allowing another transformer to handle it.