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public interface StringValueCodec extends AutoCloseable
Codec responsible for encoding string literals in a SPEL expression with a easily replaceable label. The codec is also capable of decoding any encoded response it manufactures. The codec keeps track of the original decoded values. As such, this object is not thread safe and a new instance should be created for every usage. When decoding, it is not necessary to pass back the entire encoded string. Rather, it is acceptable to pass back in portions of the encoded string until the entire encoded string is accounted for.

This codec is generally used during rule validation and facilitates the breaking up of a compound (and/or) SPEL expression into individual expressions to be further evaluated. By encoding string literals, we don't have to worry about unexpected compound phrase matching inside of those literals during the phase where the compound expression is split into individual expressions.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Complete any resource allocated during codec usage.
    Replace all group labels with the original string literal value.
    Replace all string literal values in the decoded SPEL expression with a group label.
  • Method Details

    • encodeValues

      String encodeValues(String decoded)
      Replace all string literal values in the decoded SPEL expression with a group label.
      decoded - The original expression
      The expression with string literals replaced with a group label
    • decodeValues

      String decodeValues(String encoded)
      Replace all group labels with the original string literal value.
      encoded - The encoded SPEL expression previously returned by this instance of StringValueCodec.
      The expression with group labels replaced by the original string literals
    • close

      default void close()
      Complete any resource allocated during codec usage. This is generally a good spot to assert that all original decoded values were accounted for during decoding.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable