Interface PostMapper

All Known Subinterfaces:
DomainMapperManager, PostMapperMember
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PostMapper
Common interface for PostMapperMember and DomainMapperManager. Note, transform(List, List, ContextInfo) must be called explicitly with results to transform, this does not happen automatically during the DomainMapperMember lifecycle. Interesting uses of this phase include transforming an entire list of items in bulk.
Jeff Fischer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default <P, D> void
    transform(List<P> projections, List<D> entities, ContextInfo contextInfo)
    Perform any required modifications to the list of projections.
    default <P, D> void
    transform(P projection, D entity, ContextInfo contextInfo)
    Perform any required modifications to the list of projections.
  • Method Details

    • transform

      default <P, D> void transform(List<P> projections, @Nullable List<D> entities, @Nullable ContextInfo contextInfo)
      Perform any required modifications to the list of projections. This represents an opportunity to transform the entire list of projections in bulk, or perform bulk related queries.
      Type Parameters:
      P - The projection type
      D - The repository instance type
      projections - List of projections to transform.
      entities - The original list of repository entities from which the projection list was derived.
      contextInfo - The context information used to make tracking determinations relevant to sandboxing and multitenant concerns. See TrackableRepository for more info on persistence behavior based on context.
    • transform

      default <P, D> void transform(P projection, @Nullable D entity, @Nullable ContextInfo contextInfo)
      Perform any required modifications to the list of projections. This represents an opportunity to transform the entire list of projections in bulk, or perform bulk related queries.
      Type Parameters:
      P - The projection type
      D - The repository instance type
      projection - projection to transform.
      entity - The original repository entity from which the projection was derived.
      contextInfo - The context information used to make tracking determinations relevant to sandboxing and multitenant concerns. See TrackableRepository for more info on persistence behavior based on context.