Interface TargetRelatedRequest

All Superinterfaces:
com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.Securable, Serializable, TransitionRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:
WorkflowPromoteRequest, WorkflowRebaseRequest, WorkflowRejectRequest

public interface TargetRelatedRequest extends TransitionRequest
Represents a TransitionRequest that requires another sandbox target state be declared in order to identify the recipient of changes being moved from an original item.
Jeff Fischer
  • Method Details

    • getTargetLevel

      Integer getTargetLevel()
      The level for which the transition is targeted. See Tracking.getLevel() for more information.
      The level for which the transition is targeted
    • getTargetSandboxId

      String getTargetSandboxId()
      The id for the sandbox for which the transition is targeted.
      The id for the sandbox for which the transition is targeted
    • setTargetSandboxId

      void setTargetSandboxId(String targetSandboxId)
      The id for the sandbox for which the transition is targeted.
      targetSandboxId - The id for the sandbox for which the transition is targeted
    • getTargetStage

      String getTargetStage()
      The informational stage for which the transition is targeted.
      The informational stage for which the transition is targeted
    • setTargetStage

      void setTargetStage(String targetStage)
      The informational stage for which the transition is targeted.
      targetStage - The informational stage for which the transition is targeted