Class NarrowPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver

All Implemented Interfaces:,

public class NarrowPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver extends Object implements
More flexible resolver for Pageable implementation based on additional 'offset' and 'forward' request params that relate to UnnumberedPageable and NarrowedPageable, respectively. By providing different output based on request params, well known patterns involving Pageable and PageableDefault params can continue to be leveraged in endpoint classes. Furthermore, narrowing behavior for a request can be changed on-the-fly (see ContextInfo.isIgnoreNarrowing()) and a NarrowedPageable will still work correctly to resolve a page of records through vanilla Spring repository support. This means that the more derived Pageable types are still backwards compatible with the less enhanced fetch flows.

The default behavior is to provide the out-of-box Spring Data implementation of Pageable when the 'offset' request parameter is omitted from the request. Next, if 'offset' is included, but 'forward' is omitted, it will provide an implementation of UnnumberedPageable. Finally, should both 'offset' and 'forward' be supplied, it will provide an implementation of NarrowedPageable.

Jeff Fischer
  • Field Details


      protected static final DEFAULT_SORT_RESOLVER

      protected static final String INVALID_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE
      See Also:

      protected static final String DEFAULT_FORWARD_PARAMETER
      See Also:

      protected static final String DEFAULT_OFFSET_PARAMETER
      See Also:

      protected static final String DEFAULT_QUALIFIER_DELIMITER
      See Also:

      protected static final String DEFAULT_PAGE_PARAMETER
      See Also:

      protected static final String DEFAULT_SIZE_PARAMETER
      See Also:

      protected static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX
      See Also:

      protected static final DEFAULT_PAGE_REQUEST
  • Constructor Details

    • NarrowPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver

      public NarrowPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver()
    • NarrowPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver

      public NarrowPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver( sortResolver)
    • NarrowPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver

      public NarrowPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver( sortResolver)
  • Method Details

    • setPageableProperties

      @Autowired public void setPageableProperties(@Nullable PageableProperties properties)
    • supportsParameter

      public boolean supportsParameter(org.springframework.core.MethodParameter parameter)
      Specified by:
      supportsParameter in interface
    • resolveArgument

      public resolveArgument(org.springframework.core.MethodParameter methodParameter, mavContainer, org.springframework.web.context.request.NativeWebRequest webRequest, binderFactory)
      Specified by:
      resolveArgument in interface
      Specified by:
      resolveArgument in interface
    • setFallbackPageable

      public void setFallbackPageable( fallbackPageable)
      Configures the Pageable to be used as fallback in case no PageableDefault or PageableDefault (the latter only supported in legacy mode) can be found at the method parameter to be resolved.

      If you set this to Optional#empty(), be aware that you controller methods will get null handed into them in case no Pageable data can be found in the request. Note, that doing so will require you supply bot the page and the size parameter with the requests as there will be no default for any of the parameters available.

      fallbackPageable - the Pageable to be used as general fallback.
    • isFallbackPageable

      public boolean isFallbackPageable( pageable)
      Returns whether the given Pageable is the fallback one.
      pageable - can be null.
    • getMaxPageSize

      protected int getMaxPageSize()
      Retrieves the maximum page size to be accepted. This allows to put an upper boundary of the page size to prevent potential attacks trying to issue an OutOfMemoryError.
      the maximum page size allowed.
    • setPageParameterName

      public void setPageParameterName(String pageParameterName)
      Configures the parameter name to be used to find the page number in the request. Defaults to page.
      pageParameterName - the parameter name to be used, must not be null or empty.
    • getPageParameterName

      protected String getPageParameterName()
      Retrieves the parameter name to be used to find the page number in the request. Defaults to page.
      the parameter name to be used, never null or empty.
    • setSizeParameterName

      public void setSizeParameterName(String sizeParameterName)
      Configures the parameter name to be used to find the page size in the request. Defaults to size.
      sizeParameterName - the parameter name to be used, must not be null or empty.
    • getSizeParameterName

      protected String getSizeParameterName()
      Retrieves the parameter name to be used to find the page size in the request. Defaults to size.
      the parameter name to be used, never null or empty.
    • setPrefix

      public void setPrefix(String prefix)
      Configures a general prefix to be prepended to the page number and page size parameters. Useful to namespace the property names used in case they are clashing with ones used by your application. By default, no prefix is used.
      prefix - the prefix to be used or null to reset to the default.
    • setQualifierDelimiter

      public void setQualifierDelimiter(String qualifierDelimiter)
      The delimiter to be used between the qualifier and the actual page number and size properties. Defaults to _. So a qualifier of foo will result in a page number parameter of foo_page.
      qualifierDelimiter - the delimiter to be used or null to reset to the default.
    • setOneIndexedParameters

      public void setOneIndexedParameters(boolean oneIndexedParameters)
      Configures whether to expose and assume 1-based page number indexes in the request parameters. Defaults to false, meaning a page number of 0 in the request equals the first page. If this is set to true, a page number of 1 in the request will be considered the first page.
      oneIndexedParameters - the oneIndexedParameters to set
    • isOneIndexedParameters

      protected boolean isOneIndexedParameters()
      Indicates whether to expose and assume 1-based page number indexes in the request parameters. Defaults to false, meaning a page number of 0 in the request equals the first page. If this is set to true, a page number of 1 in the request will be considered the first page.
      whether to assume 1-based page number indexes in the request parameters.
    • getForwardParameterName

      public String getForwardParameterName()
      Retrieves the parameter name to be used to determine if this pageable request is incrementally moving forward through the result set, or in reverse. Defaults to forward. This parameter is only used when the request is targeting NarrowedPageable.
      the parameter name to be used
    • setForwardParameterName

      public void setForwardParameterName(String forwardParameterName)
      Sets the parameter name to be used to determine if this pageable request is incrementally moving forward through the result set, or in reverse. Defaults to forward. This parameter is only used when the request is targeting NarrowedPageable.
      forwardParameterName - the parameter name to be used
    • getOffsetParameterName

      public String getOffsetParameterName()
      Retrieves the parameter name to be used to determine the number of records to offset. Defaults to offset. This parameter is only used when the request is targeting UnnumberedPageable and NarrowedPageable.
      the parameter name to be used
    • setOffsetParameterName

      public void setOffsetParameterName(String offsetParameterName)
      Sets the parameter name to be used to determine the number of records to offset. Defaults to offset. This parameter is only used when the request is targeting UnnumberedPageable and NarrowedPageable.
      offsetParameterName - the parameter name to be used
    • getFallbackPageable

      protected getFallbackPageable()
    • getSortResolver

      protected getSortResolver()
    • getPageableProperties

      protected PageableProperties getPageableProperties()
    • getQualifierDelimiter

      protected String getQualifierDelimiter()
    • getPrefix

      protected String getPrefix()