Type Parameters:
T - The query criteria type appropriate for the requesting Spring Data repository
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FilterParser<T>
Parse a String containing a structured list of filter params into the appropriate query criteria type to be passed to the persistence layer query.
Jeff Fischer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    parse(String filters)
    Parse a String containing a structured list of filter params into the appropriate query criteria type to be passed to the persistence layer query.
  • Method Details

    • parse

      @NonNull T parse(@NonNull String filters)
      Parse a String containing a structured list of filter params into the appropriate query criteria type to be passed to the persistence layer query. Will throw a ParseException if unable to parse the supplied filters string.
      filters - The String containing the structured list of filter params
      The query criteria defined by the generic type
      ParseException - if there is an issue parsing the filters