Interface WorkflowMapper

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WorkflowMapper
Maps data between original and target state for repository domain items. This is the main facility for transfer of ChangeDetail state during promotions, deployments, rejections and reverts. See TrackableRepository.findPromotable(WorkflowPromoteRequest), TrackableRepository.findDeployable(WorkflowDeployRequest), TrackableRepository.findRejectable(WorkflowRejectRequest), and TrackableRepository.findRevertable(WorkflowRevertRequest) for information on how original and target items are identified. See promoteMap(Trackable, Trackable, WorkflowPromoteRequest), deployMap(Trackable, Trackable, WorkflowDeployRequest, String), rejectMap(Trackable, Trackable, WorkflowRejectRequest), and WorkflowTransitionHelper.revert(WorkflowRevertRequest) for information on how state is transferred. propagateMap(Trackable, Trackable, boolean, String) closes the loop during a deploy and is used to transfer state between entity versions in parent and child catalogs.
Jeff Fischer
  • Method Details

    • promoteMap

      ForwardMapResponse promoteMap(Trackable original, Trackable target, WorkflowPromoteRequest request)
      Transfer state (via ChangeDetail between an original item and a target item. If the target is null (as is the case with OperationType.CREATE original items), a clone of the original is created whose target level status is set to the targetSandboxId, targetLevel and targetStage defined in the PromotionRequest param.
      original - The item containing the changes to transfer
      target - The item receiving the changes. Can be null, in which case a clone of the original is made
      request - Contains the target state information used to inform the target state
      A response object containing information about the result of the promotion operation.
    • deployMap

      ForwardMapResponse deployMap(Trackable original, Trackable target, WorkflowDeployRequest request, String propagationId)
      Transfer state (via ChangeDetail between an original item and the target production state. If the target is null (as is the case with OperationType.CREATE original items), a clone of the original is created whose target level status is set to TrackingLevel.PRODUCTION.
      original - The item containing the changes to transfer
      target - The production item receiving the changes. Can be null, in which case a clone of the original is made
      request - Contains the target state information used to inform the target state
      propagationId - Demarcates one or more specific ChangeDetail instances created during the deploy as viable for propagation.
      A response object containing information about the result of the deployment operation.
    • rejectMap

      RejectMapResponse rejectMap(Trackable promotedState, Trackable target, WorkflowRejectRequest request)
      Transfer state (via ChangeDetail between a promoted sandbox state item to a new user state item. This occurs when a promoted sandbox state item contains one or more change details related to a promotion that has been rejected, thus sending those specific changes backward. If the promoted state sandbox item contains changes from multiple promotions, then the changes for the rejected promotion are removed and the entity state is updated to reflect. Finally, those changes matching the rejected promotion are applied to a new user sandbox state entity for the change author's review.
      promotedState - The current sandbox state of an entity that contains changes from one or more promotions
      target - The user-level item receiving the changes. Can be null, in which case a clone of the original is made
      request - The specific promotion rejection request
      A pair containing the promoted state and the user state. The promoted state may be null if it was entirely rejected.
    • propagateMap

      Trackable propagateMap(Trackable original, Trackable target, boolean delete, String propagationId)
      Transfer state (via ChangeDetail between an original item and a target item belonging to a parent Catalog and a child Catalog, respectively. Propagation should pay attention to FieldOverride in Tracking.getFieldOverrides() and ignore colliding ChangeDetails.
      original - The item containing the changes to transfer
      target - The item receiving the changes
      delete - Whether or not the propagation change is a OperationType.DELETE
      propagationId - Demarcates one or more specific ChangeDetail instances created during the deploy as viable for propagation. Should be the same value passed to deployMap(Trackable, Trackable, WorkflowDeployRequest, String).
      The resulting target state of the repository domain
    • rebaseMap

      Trackable rebaseMap(Trackable original, Trackable target, WorkflowRebaseRequest request)
      Update an original item with ChangeDetail state from a target that is missing in the original. Then, re-apply unpromoted changes from the original on top (possibly squashing the effect of one or more of the inherited changes from target). This is generally useful for bringing a user state up-to-date with changes in a target state. The missing changes were presumably introduced by another process (usually promotes from another user).
      original - The less advanced item that is missing changes
      target - The more advanced item that contains changes not already in the original
      request - The specific rebase request
      The new state for the original with the changes applied. This state still needs to be persisted in order to overwrite the current original datastore state.
    • revertMap

      Trackable revertMap(Trackable original, WorkflowRevertRequest request)
      Update an original TrackingLevel.USER level record to represent a reverted state. This usually involves setting archive values to represent the item is no longer active.
      original - The item that is being deactivated
      request - The specific revert request
      The resulting state of the archived instance