Class ChangeSummaryMessageFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ChangeSummaryMessageFactory extends Object implements com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.notification.MessageFactory<ChangeEvent>
Creates new ChangeEvent messages based on an entity instance.
Jeff Fischer
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getVendorVisibilityManager

      @Nullable protected VendorVisibilityManager getVendorVisibilityManager()
    • getContextRequestHydrators

      protected List<ContextRequestHydrator> getContextRequestHydrators()
    • createMessage

      public org.springframework.messaging.Message<ChangeEvent> createMessage(Object entity, Map<String,Object> attributes)
      Specified by:
      createMessage in interface com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.notification.MessageFactory<ChangeEvent>
    • createMessage

      public org.springframework.messaging.Message<ChangeEvent> createMessage(Object entity)
      Specified by:
      createMessage in interface com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.notification.MessageFactory<ChangeEvent>
    • buildIndexableInformation

      protected void buildIndexableInformation(Object entity, Trackable domain, ChangeEvent changeEvent)
      Assign ChangeEvent.getIndexableTargetId() and ChangeEvent.getIndexableType(), if single index request messaging is supported for the entity and state. See SingleIndexRequestMessageFactory.isSupported(Object).
      entity - The raw entity instance
      domain - The Trackable version of the entity instance
      changeEvent - The ChangeEvent being emitted as a result of persistence of the entity
    • setVendorRefIfApplicable

      protected void setVendorRefIfApplicable(Trackable entity, ChangeEvent changeEvent)
      If vendor processing is enabled, this will determine the vendor the entity is associated to, and set that information on the ChangeEvent.getVendorRef().
      entity - the entity whose vendor association should be determined
      changeEvent - the change event being emitted as a result of persistence of this entity
    • setVendorVisibilityManagerProvider

      @Autowired public void setVendorVisibilityManagerProvider(org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectProvider<VendorVisibilityManager> vendorVisibilityManagerProvider)
      If vendor processing is enabled, this bean will be injected and used to determine which vendor a changed entity is associated to.

      We leverage ObjectProvider here since we want both optional and lazy injection. This is because ChangeSummaryMessageFactory may indirectly be a dependency of service components injected by VendorVisibilityManager and we want to avoid circular dependencies.

      See Also:
    • setContextRequestHydratorProvider

      @Autowired public void setContextRequestHydratorProvider(org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectProvider<ContextRequestHydrator> contextRequestHydratorProvider)
      If vendor processing is enabled, a ContextInfo matching each entity's tracking will need to be supplied to the methods of getVendorVisibilityManager() to ensure any fetches are correctly narrowed to the same context. This will require the ContextRequest to be hydrated, and thus hydrators need to be injected.

      If vendor processing is disabled, the hydrators are not necessary.

      We leverage ObjectProvider here since we want both optional and lazy injection. This is because ChangeSummaryMessageFactory may indirectly be a dependency of service components injected by ContextRequestHydrator implementations and we want to avoid circular dependencies.

    • setReference

      @Autowired public void setReference(@Nullable reference)
    • getReference

      @Nullable protected getReference()