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public interface ChangeContainer
Container information for a change, used for grouping separate change information under the same top-level entity.
Chad Harchar (charchar)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    If the container is catalog discriminated and this instance is a subcontainer, the catalog context id for the container.
    Generally, the context id of the top-level entity that changed
    The name of the top-level entity that changed, which is typically snake-cased and capitalized, i.e., "PRODUCT".
    The name of the sub-container (second-level entity), which is typically snake-cased and capitalized i.e., "PRICE_DATA".
    default void
    setContainerCatalog(String containerCatalog)
    If the container is catalog discriminated and this instance is a subcontainer, the catalog context id for the container.
    Generally, the context id of the top-level entity that changed
    The name of the top-level entity that changed, which is typically snake-cased and capitalized, i.e., "PRODUCT".
    setRouteKey(String routeKey)
    setSubContainerName(String subContainerName)
    The name of the sub-container (second-level entity), which is typically snake-cased and capitalized i.e., "PRICE_DATA".
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Generally, the context id of the top-level entity that changed
      Generally, the context id of the top-level entity that changed
      See Also:
    • setId

      void setId(String id)
      Generally, the context id of the top-level entity that changed
      id - Generally, the context id of the top-level entity that changed
      See Also:
    • getName

      String getName()
      The name of the top-level entity that changed, which is typically snake-cased and capitalized, i.e., "PRODUCT".
      The name of the top-level entity that changed, which is typically snake-cased and capitalized, i.e., "PRODUCT"
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
      The name of the top-level entity that changed, which is typically snake-cased and capitalized, i.e., "PRODUCT".
      name - The name of the top-level entity that changed, which is typically snake-cased and capitalized, i.e., "PRODUCT"
    • getRouteKey

      String getRouteKey()
    • setRouteKey

      void setRouteKey(String routeKey)
    • getSubContainerName

      String getSubContainerName()
      The name of the sub-container (second-level entity), which is typically snake-cased and capitalized i.e., "PRICE_DATA".
      The name of the sub-container (second-level entity), which is typically snake-cased and capitalized, i.e., "PRICE_DATA"
    • setSubContainerName

      void setSubContainerName(String subContainerName)
      The name of the sub-container (second-level entity), which is typically snake-cased and capitalized i.e., "PRICE_DATA".
      subContainerName - The name of the sub-container (second-level entity), which is typically snake-cased and capitalized, i.e., "PRICE_DATA"
    • getContainerCatalog

      default String getContainerCatalog()
      If the container is catalog discriminated and this instance is a subcontainer, the catalog context id for the container.
      The catalog context id for the container.
    • setContainerCatalog

      default void setContainerCatalog(String containerCatalog)
      If the container is catalog discriminated and this instance is a subcontainer, the catalog context id for the container.
      containerCatalog - The catalog context id for the container.