Class DefaultResourceProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultResourceProvider extends Object implements ResourceProvider
Default implementation of ResourceProvider.
Jeff Fischer
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultResourceProvider

      public DefaultResourceProvider()
  • Method Details

    • targetOut

      public OutputStream targetOut(String fileName)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvider
      For the filename, provide a OutputStream to write the file to. Generally, this is a File in the maven resources/cache directory of the current application.
      Specified by:
      targetOut in interface ResourceProvider
      fileName - The name of the file to write
      the OutputStream to write the file to
    • targetIn

      public InputStream targetIn(String fileName)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvider
      For the filename, provide an InputStream from which to read the file. Generally, this is a resource on the classpath of the application in resources/cache.
      Specified by:
      targetIn in interface ResourceProvider
      fileName - The name of the resource to fetch
      The InputStream from which to read the resource
    • contents

      public String[] contents()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvider
      All cache related artifact paths in the containing path
      Specified by:
      contents in interface ResourceProvider
      All cache related artifact paths in the containing path
    • resourceAvailable

      public boolean resourceAvailable(String fileName)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvider
      Whether or not the classpath contains the resource at the destination described in ResourceProvider.targetIn(String)
      Specified by:
      resourceAvailable in interface ResourceProvider
      fileName - The name of the resource to check
      Whether or not the classpath contains the resource
    • resourcePath

      public URL resourcePath(String fileName)
      Specified by:
      resourcePath in interface ResourceProvider
    • contains

      public boolean contains(String fileName)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvider
      Whether or not the filesystem contains the file at the destination described in ResourceProvider.targetOut(String)
      Specified by:
      contains in interface ResourceProvider
      fileName - The name of the file to check
      Whether or not the filesystem contains the file
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvider
      Delete all files in the filesystem at the location described in ResourceProvider.targetOut(String)
      Specified by:
      clear in interface ResourceProvider
    • getResourcePrefix

      public String getResourcePrefix()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvider
      The classloader prefix under which all cache resources are located
      Specified by:
      getResourcePrefix in interface ResourceProvider
      The classloader prefix under which all cache resources are located
    • determineOldResourceDir

      protected Optional<File> determineOldResourceDir()
      Retrieve archive directory if still exists at the old build location (src/main/resources/cache).
    • determineCacheResourceDir

      protected File determineCacheResourceDir()
    • setProperties

      @Autowired public void setProperties(ModelMapperCacheProperties properties)