public interface FieldOverride
Denotes a field that has been overridden. This applies to hierarchical catalog structures where a catalog discriminated entity has been altered at one or more field values from the version represented in a parent catalog. FieldOverride values denotes exactly which fields have been altered. This provides a mechanism to notify the user exactly which fields have been changed, in addition to blocking future changes from any parent versions on these fields (i.e. field overrides always win). Having this list of overrides be separate from ChangeDetail is also important because the ChangeDetail list is periodically pruned, which would not work for this purpose, since we need a permanent list of fields to perform the functions described above.
Jeff Fischer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The name of the field on the business domain class instance that was changed
    The name of the field on the repository domain class instance that was changed
    setBusinessFieldName(String businessFieldName)
    The name of the field on the business domain class instance that was changed
    setFieldName(String fieldName)
    The name of the field on the repository domain class instance that was changed
  • Method Details

    • getFieldName

      String getFieldName()
      The name of the field on the repository domain class instance that was changed
      The name of the field that was changed
    • getBusinessFieldName

      String getBusinessFieldName()
      The name of the field on the business domain class instance that was changed
      The name of the field that was changed
    • setFieldName

      void setFieldName(String fieldName)
      The name of the field on the repository domain class instance that was changed
      fieldName - The name of the field that was changed
    • setBusinessFieldName

      void setBusinessFieldName(String businessFieldName)
      The name of the field on the business domain class instance that was changed
      businessFieldName - The name of the field that was changed