Class WorkflowDeployRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.Securable, TransitionRequest, Serializable

public class WorkflowDeployRequest extends Object implements TransitionRequest
A request for a deployment operation, moving all changes less than or equal to a requested version from the sandboxable state of an item to production.
Jeff Fischer
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • WorkflowDeployRequest

      public WorkflowDeployRequest(Map<String,String> transferTypeIdMap, String contextId, String sandboxId, String author, Integer level, String entity, String version)
      Create a new deployment
      transferTypeIdMap - loose bag of information required to run the transition, see TransferType
      contextId - the contextId of the item being deployed
      sandboxId - the sandbox that the item is currently in
      author - author of the deployment
      level - the tracking level that the item is in
      className - an alias of the class that should undergo the transition
      version -
  • Method Details

    • withMessage

      public WorkflowDeployRequest withMessage(String message)
    • withToken

      public WorkflowDeployRequest withToken(String token)
    • withCatalog

      public WorkflowDeployRequest withCatalog(String catalog)
    • withRouteKey

      public WorkflowDeployRequest withRouteKey(String routeKey)
    • withApplication

      public WorkflowDeployRequest withApplication(String application)
    • withRemoveTemporaryOverride

      public WorkflowDeployRequest withRemoveTemporaryOverride(boolean isRemoveTemporaryOverride)
    • getTransitionRequest

      public WorkflowTransitionRequest getTransitionRequest()
    • isRemoveTemporaryOverride

      public boolean isRemoveTemporaryOverride()
      Whether or not to remove temporary application catalog override state at the edges of sandbox transition. This includes revert or deploy. Temporary application override state can occur during parent catalog deployment propagation. See VendorSandboxPropagationHandler for more information.
    • getVersion

      public String getVersion()
      The maximum version of ChangeDetail instances on an entity to deploy to production.
      The maximum version of ChangeDetail instances
    • setTransitionRequest

      public void setTransitionRequest(WorkflowTransitionRequest transitionRequest)
    • setRemoveTemporaryOverride

      public void setRemoveTemporaryOverride(boolean isRemoveTemporaryOverride)
      Whether or not to remove temporary application catalog override state at the edges of sandbox transition. This includes revert or deploy. Temporary application override state can occur during parent catalog deployment propagation. See VendorSandboxPropagationHandler for more information.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • getTransferTypeIdMap

      public Map<String,String> getTransferTypeIdMap()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      Get the IDs of the transition requested mapped by the TransferType. Could be the ids of a change summary, summary group, or deployment. A single summary could be one of a large group of changes or a deployment thereby leading to the map containing the ID of a the individual summary related to 1 set of changes being transitioned and the ID of the entire group. This is used to clean up state once all of the related transition requests have completed.
      Specified by:
      getTransferTypeIdMap in interface TransitionRequest
    • getContextId

      public String getContextId()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The contextId used to identify the originating item to promote. See Trackable.getContextId().
      Specified by:
      getContextId in interface TransitionRequest
      The contextId used to identify the originating item to promote
    • getSandboxId

      public String getSandboxId()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The id for the sandbox in which the originating item resides.
      Specified by:
      getSandboxId in interface TransitionRequest
      The id for the sandbox in which the originating item resides
    • getAuthor

      public String getAuthor()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The author of the promotion. This is useful when finding originating domain items in a user sandbox for promotion to a subsequent level. User sandbox changes are partially identified by their author.
      Specified by:
      getAuthor in interface TransitionRequest
      The author of the promotion
    • getLevel

      public Integer getLevel()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The level at which the originating item resides. See Tracking.getLevel() for more information.
      Specified by:
      getLevel in interface TransitionRequest
      The level at which the originating item resides
    • getRouteKey

      public String getRouteKey()
      Specified by:
      getRouteKey in interface TransitionRequest
    • getEntity

      public String getEntity()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The entity's class name for this promotion.
      Specified by:
      getEntity in interface TransitionRequest
      The entity's class name for this promotion
    • getStage

      public String getStage()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The informational stage in which the originating item resides.
      Specified by:
      getStage in interface TransitionRequest
      The informational stage in which the originating item resides.
    • getCatalogId

      public String getCatalogId()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The catalogId that should be used to filter the results from TrackableRepository.findPromotable(WorkflowPromoteRequest). Can be null if the item is not catalog discriminatable.
      Specified by:
      getCatalogId in interface TransitionRequest
      The catalogId that should be used to filter the results
    • getApplicationId

      public String getApplicationId()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The applicationId that should be used to filter the results from TrackableRepository.findPromotable(WorkflowPromoteRequest). Can be null if the item is not application discriminatable.
      Specified by:
      getApplicationId in interface TransitionRequest
      The applicationId that should be used to filter the results
    • getVisibleFromCatalog

      public Set<String> getVisibleFromCatalog()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      Context list of the contextIds for the deep catalog tree parenting the TransitionRequest.getCatalogId(). This is not a value that is generally populated via JSON. Rather, this variable is generally calculated via lookup of catalog using catalogId. This is helpful for identifying inherited targets during a promotion.
      Specified by:
      getVisibleFromCatalog in interface TransitionRequest
      Context list of the contextIds for the deep catalog tree parenting the TransitionRequest.getCatalogId()
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      A user defined message to go along with the state transition. This is generally descriptive of the purpose served by the transition.
      Specified by:
      getMessage in interface TransitionRequest
      A user defined message to go along with the state transition
    • getToken

      public String getToken()
      Specified by:
      getToken in interface com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.Securable
    • setRouteKey

      public void setRouteKey(String routeKey)
    • setEntity

      public void setEntity(String entity)
    • setStage

      public void setStage(String stage)
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The informational stage in which the originating item resides.
      Specified by:
      setStage in interface TransitionRequest
      stage - The informational stage in which the originating item resides.
    • setCatalogId

      public void setCatalogId(String catalogId)
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The catalogId that should be used to filter the results from TrackableRepository.findPromotable(WorkflowPromoteRequest). Can be null if the item is not catalog discriminatable.
      Specified by:
      setCatalogId in interface TransitionRequest
      catalogId - The catalogId that should be used to filter the results
    • setApplicationId

      public void setApplicationId(String applicationId)
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      The applicationId that should be used to filter the results from TrackableRepository.findPromotable(WorkflowPromoteRequest). Can be null if the item is not application discriminatable.
      Specified by:
      setApplicationId in interface TransitionRequest
      applicationId - The applicationId that should be used to filter the results
    • setVisibleFromCatalog

      public void setVisibleFromCatalog(Set<String> visibleFromCatalog)
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      Context list of the contextIds for the deep catalog tree parenting the TransitionRequest.getCatalogId(). This is not a value that is generally populated via JSON. Rather, this variable is generally calculated via lookup of catalog using catalogId. This is helpful for identifying inherited targets during a promotion.
      Specified by:
      setVisibleFromCatalog in interface TransitionRequest
      visibleFromCatalog - list of the contextIds for the deep catalog tree parenting the TransitionRequest.getCatalogId()
    • setMessage

      public void setMessage(String message)
      Description copied from interface: TransitionRequest
      A user defined message to go along with the state transition. This is generally descriptive of the purpose served by the transition.
      Specified by:
      setMessage in interface TransitionRequest
      message - A user defined message to go along with the state transition
    • setToken

      public void setToken(String token)
      Specified by:
      setToken in interface com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.Securable