public interface Sortable
Repository domain should implement this interface in order to notify the system that they can be managed for sorting (see SortPositionRequest).
Jeff Fischer
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Boolean
    Whether or not this instance is explicitly sorted (i.e.
    Get the value used for sorting
    setSorting(String sorting)
    Set the value used for sorting
    default Map<String,Object>
    A map of field names to values that will be used to construct the bounds of the sorting group to which this entity belongs.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getSorting

      String getSorting()
      Get the value used for sorting
      The sorting value
    • setSorting

      void setSorting(String sorting)
      Set the value used for sorting
      sorting - The sorting value
    • sortableBounds

      default Map<String,Object> sortableBounds()
      A map of field names to values that will be used to construct the bounds of the sorting group to which this entity belongs. For example, when sorting CategoryProduct instances, you will want to limit the sorting calculations based on the Category to which this entity belongs. This information is most often used by SortPositionStrategy components.
      The restrictions that describe the bounds for the sorting group to which this instance belongs
    • getSorted

      default Boolean getSorted()
      Whether or not this instance is explicitly sorted (i.e. getSorting() is not equal to DEFAULT_VALUE).
      Whether or not this instance is explicitly sorted