Class SandboxDeleteEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SandboxDeleteEvent extends Object implements Serializable
The event that is sent when the sandbox is deleted.
Dima Myroniuk (dmyroniuk)
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SandboxDeleteEvent

      public SandboxDeleteEvent()
  • Method Details

    • getSandboxId

      public String getSandboxId()
      The ID of the sandbox that was deleted.
      the ID of the sandbox that was deleted
    • getEntityTypesByRouteKeys

      public Map<String,Set<String>> getEntityTypesByRouteKeys()
      When the sandbox is deleted, the summary of the change made to the sandboxed non-production entities should be archived as well. This map contains the entity types, represented as the fully qualified class name grouped by the data route keys. For example the key can be "catalog" and one of the value is "com.broadleafcommerce.catalog.provider.jpa.domain.product.JpaProduct"
      The entity types, represented as the fully qualified class name grouped by the data route keys
    • setSandboxId

      public void setSandboxId(String sandboxId)
      The ID of the sandbox that was deleted.
      sandboxId - the ID of the sandbox that was deleted
    • setEntityTypesByRouteKeys

      public void setEntityTypesByRouteKeys(Map<String,Set<String>> entityTypesByRouteKeys)
      When the sandbox is deleted, the summary of the change made to the sandboxed non-production entities should be archived as well. This map contains the entity types, represented as the fully qualified class name grouped by the data route keys. For example the key can be "catalog" and one of the value is "com.broadleafcommerce.catalog.provider.jpa.domain.product.JpaProduct"
      entityTypesByRouteKeys - the entity types, represented as the fully qualified class name grouped by the data route keys
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object