public interface SandboxInfo
Represents details around the sandbox in which an entity exists. This information is used to discriminate which entity version (presumably sharing a context id) is returned based on the requesting ContextRequest.
Jeff Fischer
  • Method Details

    • getContextId

      String getContextId()
      A soft reference to the sandbox id. Sandboxes are maintained separately in the sandbox microservice.
      The sandbox id
    • getName

      String getName()
      Friendly name for this sandbox
      Friendly name for this sandbox
    • getArchived

      Boolean getArchived()
      Whether or not this entity is sandbox archived. Sandbox archived records are candidate for obsolescence and removal from the datastore.
      Whether or not the sandbox is archived
    • getStage

      String getStage()
      Arbitrary labelling concept. Can be leveraged to identify entity state belonging to a step in a multi-step approval workflow.
      Label describing position in a multi-step promotion flow
    • getOwner

      String getOwner()
      The user who owns this sandbox. This is obvious for user level sandboxes. The owner is more generic, or a qualified single user, for subsequent levels (see TrackingLevel.getLevel()).
      The user who owns this sandbox
    • getChangeType

      String getChangeType()
      The overall change type for this sandbox entity. See OperationType.
      The overall change type
    • getChangeContainer

      ChangeContainer getChangeContainer()
    • setContextId

      void setContextId(String contextId)
      A soft reference to the sandbox id. Sandboxes are maintained separately in the sandbox microservice.
      contextId - The sandbox id
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
      Friendly name for this sandbox
      name - Friendly name for this sandbox
    • setArchived

      void setArchived(Boolean archived)
      Whether or not this entity is sandbox archived. Sandbox archived records are candidate for obsolescence and removal from the datastore.
      archived - Whether or not the sandbox is archived
    • setStage

      void setStage(String stage)
      Arbitrary labelling concept. Can be leveraged to identify entity state belonging to a step in a multi-step approval workflow.
      stage - Label describing position in a multi-step promotion flow
    • setOwner

      void setOwner(String owner)
      The user who owns this sandbox. This is obvious for user level sandboxes. The owner is more generic, or a qualified single user, for subsequent levels (see Tracking.getLevel()).
      owner - The user who owns this sandbox
    • setChangeType

      void setChangeType(String changeType)
      The overall change type for this sandbox entity. See OperationType.
      changeType - The overall change type
    • setChangeContainer

      void setChangeContainer(ChangeContainer changeContainer)