public interface CatalogInfo
Partially de-normalized representation of a multitenant catalog. Generally used during fetch queries to discriminate results based on what is visible to the current application context. See ContextRequest.
Jeff Fischer, Samarth Dhruva (samarthd)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    A soft reference for the catalog id.
    Sorting level used to determine closest catalog visibility to the caller's context
    Locale information for the catalog, which encodes the assumption of the defaulted region for all items contained within it.
    The catalog's name.
    default String
    A soft reference for the catalog that owns the entity from which this override is derived.
    A soft reference for the catalog from whom an implicit catalog is derived.
    setContextId(String contextId)
    A soft reference for the catalog id.
    setLevel(Long level)
    Sorting level used to determine closest catalog visibility to the caller's context
    setLocale(Locale locale)
    Locale information for the catalog, which encodes the assumption of the defaulted region for all items contained within it.
    The catalog's name.
    default void
    A soft reference for the catalog that owns the entity from which this override is derived.
    A soft reference for the catalog from whom an implicit catalog is derived.
  • Method Details

    • getContextId

      String getContextId()
      A soft reference for the catalog id. Multitenant hierarchies for applications and catalogs are maintained separately in the multitenant microservice.
      The soft reference to the catalog id
    • setContextId

      void setContextId(String contextId)
      A soft reference for the catalog id. Multitenant hierarchies for applications and catalogs are maintained separately in the multitenant microservice.
      contextId - The soft reference to the catalog id
    • getName

      String getName()
      The catalog's name.
      the name of the catalog
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
      The catalog's name.
      name - the name of the catalog
    • getLocale

      Locale getLocale()
      Locale information for the catalog, which encodes the assumption of the defaulted region for all items contained within it.
      the Locale that all items within this catalog apply to
    • setLocale

      void setLocale(Locale locale)
      Locale information for the catalog, which encodes the assumption of the defaulted region for all items contained within it.
      locale - the Locale that all items within this catalog apply to
    • getLevel

      Long getLevel()
      Sorting level used to determine closest catalog visibility to the caller's context
      Sorting level
    • setLevel

      void setLevel(Long level)
      Sorting level used to determine closest catalog visibility to the caller's context
      level - Sorting level
    • getParent

      CatalogBasicInfo getParent()
      A soft reference for the catalog from whom an implicit catalog is derived. Implicit catalogs are related to Application instances and are a home to any overrides of catalog related information inherited by that application from its assigned catalogs. This value will be null unless getContextId() references an implicit catalog.
      A soft reference for the catalog from whom an implicit catalog is derived
    • setParent

      void setParent(CatalogBasicInfo parent)
      A soft reference for the catalog from whom an implicit catalog is derived. Implicit catalogs are related to Application instances and are a home to any overrides of catalog related information inherited by that application from its assigned catalogs. This value will be null unless getContextId() references an implicit catalog.
      parent - A soft reference for the catalog from whom an implicit catalog is derived
    • getOriginatingCatalogId

      default String getOriginatingCatalogId()
      A soft reference for the catalog that owns the entity from which this override is derived. This is only set in the case that the entity is a catalog override, and is null otherwise. This value is also not persisted and is only set after the mapping pipeline has examined a request for persistence. Use with caution.
      A soft reference for the catalog that owns the entity from which this override is derived
    • setOriginatingCatalogId

      default void setOriginatingCatalogId(String catalogId)
      A soft reference for the catalog that owns the entity from which this override is derived. This is only set in the case that the entity is a catalog override, and is null otherwise. This value is also not persisted and is only set after the mapping pipeline has examined a request for persistence. Use with caution.
      catalogId - A soft reference for the catalog that owns the entity from which this override is derived