Class VendorAuthenticationPrivilegeProperties


@ConfigurationProperties("broadleaf.vendor-authentication-privilege") public class VendorAuthenticationPrivilegeProperties extends Object
This is an experimental feature.

Describe any vendor authentication privilege related behavioral properties.

Sunny Yu
  • Constructor Details

    • VendorAuthenticationPrivilegeProperties

      public VendorAuthenticationPrivilegeProperties()
  • Method Details

    • isIgnoreVendorRestrictionInApplicationContext

      public boolean isIgnoreVendorRestrictionInApplicationContext()
      This is an experimental feature.

      Whether or not to ignore authentication's vendor restrictions when in an application context.

      This property is intended for use cases where vendor users are allowed to modify application data as an application user instead of a vendor user, when in an application context (given the user has access to the application). Note that in a tenant context, the vendor user will still modify vendor data.

      For example, let's say vendorA has access to app1, and app1 has the vendorA catalog. When vendorA modifies a product in the tenant context, the modification is done to the vendor-owned catalog. When vendorA modifies a product in app1's application context, the modification is done as an application override, just like any modifications done by an application user without vendor restrictions would behave.

      Note that a vendor user should not be granted application access if the user should not have access to modify application data.

    • setIgnoreVendorRestrictionInApplicationContext

      public void setIgnoreVendorRestrictionInApplicationContext(boolean ignoreVendorRestrictionInApplicationContext)
      This is an experimental feature.

      Whether or not to ignore authentication's vendor restrictions when in an application context.

      This property is intended for use cases where vendor users are allowed to modify application data as an application user instead of a vendor user, when in an application context (given the user has access to the application). Note that in a tenant context, the vendor user will still modify vendor data.

      For example, let's say vendorA has access to app1, and app1 has the vendorA catalog. When vendorA modifies a product in the tenant context, the modification is done to the vendor-owned catalog. When vendorA modifies a product in app1's application context, the modification is done as an application override, just like any modifications done by an application user without vendor restrictions would behave.

      Note that a vendor user should not be granted application access if the user should not have access to modify application data.

    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object