Interface BaseTrackableRepository<D extends Trackable>

Type Parameters:
D - The persistence domain type
All Superinterfaces:
com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.DomainTypeAware, com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.notification.NotificationStateRepository,<D,String>, TrackableRepository<D>, TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor<D>

@NoRepositoryBean public interface BaseTrackableRepository<D extends Trackable> extends TrackableRepository<D>, TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor<D>
Establish a base Trackable repository interface that includes TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor as well. It is not required to extend from this base, it can be useful when you need to inject by this base type and you want to expose an API that covers both trackable and rsql APIs in a single shot.
Jeff Fischer