All Known Implementing Classes:
CreateSetupDomainMapperMember, UpdateValidationDomainMapperMember

public interface IdAware
Provides a reflective way to get and set id information on a POJO. By default, the implementation assumes a field named id is available in the POJO with appropriate get/set bean methods.
Jeff Fischer
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default IdAware.Id
    getId(Object object)
    For the given pojo instance, retrieve the identifier field and the value of that field.
    default void
    setId(Object object, String idVal)
    For the given pojo instance, set the identifier field value.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      default IdAware.Id getId(Object object)
      For the given pojo instance, retrieve the identifier field and the value of that field. By default, the implementation expects a id field with a corresponding getId() method.
      object - The object containing entity data, specifically an id value.
      The pair of id field name, and id value
    • setId

      default void setId(Object object, String idVal)
      For the given pojo instance, set the identifier field value. By default, the implementation expects a id field with a corresponding setId(..) method.
      object - The object containing entity data, specifically an id value.
      idVal - The value to set for the id field