All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Catalog extends Object implements ContextStateAware
Represents a catalog node in an overall catalog tree.
Jeff Fischer
  • Constructor Details

    • Catalog

      public Catalog()
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
      The context id, which is a separate identifier from the database primary key. This may be auto generated, or may be explicitly provided upon entity creation.
      Separate identifier from the database primary key
    • getOwningApplication

      public String getOwningApplication()
      Soft reference to the application contextId that owns this catalog. This value can be null, in which case, this is a global catalog.
      Soft reference to the application contextId that owns this catalog
    • getName

      public String getName()
      The name for the catalog
      The name for the catalog
    • getHidden

      public Boolean getHidden()
      Whether or not this catalog is hidden from selection in the admin. This also indicates the catalog is not available for mutation via the owningApplication. Note that mutability of a catalog assigned to an application (see ApplicationCatalogRef.getId()) is controlled via the properties on ApplicationCatalogRef.
      Whether or not this catalog is hidden from selection in the admin
    • getParents

      public List<CatalogRef> getParents()
      The parent nodes for this catalog, including additional mutability information.
      The parent nodes for this catalog
    • getLocale

      public Locale getLocale()
      Allows for segmenting catalogs via their locale, and encodes the assumption of the defaulted region for all items contained within it.
      the Locale for all of the items contained within
    • getDefaultCurrency

      public Currency getDefaultCurrency()
      Default Currency associated with this catalog, or null.
      the default currency associated with this catalog or null
    • getVendorRef

      public String getVendorRef()
      Soft reference to the vendor associated with this catalog. This value can be null, in which case, no vendor is associated.
      Soft reference to the vendor associated with this catalog.
    • getLevel

      public Long getLevel()
      The level for a catalog in the tree going from least (root nodes) to highest (leaf nodes). This is primarily used for sorting in a given inheritance line.

      This value is solely maintained on the server and is not intended to be communicated or updated via the API.

      The level for a catalog in the tree
    • getContextState

      public ContextState getContextState()
      A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
      Specified by:
      getContextState in interface ContextStateAware
      a subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
      The context id, which is a separate identifier from the database primary key. This may be auto generated, or may be explicitly provided upon entity creation.
      id - Separate identifier from the database primary key
    • setOwningApplication

      public void setOwningApplication(String owningApplication)
      Soft reference to the application contextId that owns this catalog. This value can be null, in which case, this is a global catalog.
      owningApplication - Soft reference to the application contextId that owns this catalog
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      The name for the catalog
      name - The name for the catalog
    • setHidden

      public void setHidden(Boolean hidden)
      Whether or not this catalog is hidden from selection in the admin. This also indicates the catalog is not available for mutation via the owningApplication. Note that mutability of a catalog assigned to an application (see ApplicationCatalogRef.getId()) is controlled via the properties on ApplicationCatalogRef.
      hidden - Whether or not this catalog is hidden from selection in the admin
    • setParents

      public void setParents(List<CatalogRef> parents)
      The parent nodes for this catalog, including additional mutability information.
      parents - The parent nodes for this catalog
    • setLocale

      public void setLocale(Locale locale)
      Allows for segmenting catalogs via their locale, and encodes the assumption of the defaulted region for all items contained within it.
      locale - the Locale that all items within this catalog applies to
    • setDefaultCurrency

      public void setDefaultCurrency(Currency defaultCurrency)
      Default Currency associated with this catalog, or null.
      the - default currency associated with this catalog
    • setVendorRef

      public void setVendorRef(String vendorRef)
      Soft reference to the vendor associated with this catalog. This value can be null, in which case, no vendor is associated.
      vendorRef - Soft reference to the vendor associated with this catalog.
    • setLevel

      public void setLevel(Long level)
      The level for a catalog in the tree going from least (root nodes) to highest (leaf nodes). This is primarily used for sorting in a given inheritance line.

      This value is solely maintained on the server and is not intended to be communicated or updated via the API.

      level - The level for a catalog in the tree
    • setContextState

      public void setContextState(ContextState contextState)
      A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
      Specified by:
      setContextState in interface ContextStateAware
      contextState - a subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object