Interface TransitionRequest

All Superinterfaces:
com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.Securable, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
WorkflowDeployRequest, WorkflowPromoteRequest, WorkflowRebaseRequest, WorkflowRejectRequest, WorkflowRevertRequest, WorkflowTransitionRequest

public interface TransitionRequest extends com.broadleafcommerce.common.messaging.Securable, Serializable
A container object for information regarding a promotion of one or more domain items to a new target position. See TrackableRepository.findPromotable(WorkflowPromoteRequest) and WorkflowMapper.promoteMap(Trackable, Trackable, WorkflowPromoteRequest) for more details on the mechanics of a sandbox promotion.
Jeff Fischer
  • Method Details

    • getTransferTypeIdMap

      Map<String,String> getTransferTypeIdMap()
      Get the IDs of the transition requested mapped by the TransferType. Could be the ids of a change summary, summary group, or deployment. A single summary could be one of a large group of changes or a deployment thereby leading to the map containing the ID of a the individual summary related to 1 set of changes being transitioned and the ID of the entire group. This is used to clean up state once all of the related transition requests have completed.
    • getSandboxId

      String getSandboxId()
      The id for the sandbox in which the originating item resides.
      The id for the sandbox in which the originating item resides
    • getRouteKey

      String getRouteKey()
    • getAuthor

      String getAuthor()
      The author of the promotion. This is useful when finding originating domain items in a user sandbox for promotion to a subsequent level. User sandbox changes are partially identified by their author.
      The author of the promotion
    • getLevel

      Integer getLevel()
      The level at which the originating item resides. See Tracking.getLevel() for more information.
      The level at which the originating item resides
    • getEntity

      String getEntity()
      The entity's class name for this promotion.
      The entity's class name for this promotion
    • getStage

      String getStage()
      The informational stage in which the originating item resides.
      The informational stage in which the originating item resides.
    • getContextId

      String getContextId()
      The contextId used to identify the originating item to promote. See Trackable.getContextId().
      The contextId used to identify the originating item to promote
    • getCatalogId

      String getCatalogId()
      The catalogId that should be used to filter the results from TrackableRepository.findPromotable(WorkflowPromoteRequest). Can be null if the item is not catalog discriminatable.
      The catalogId that should be used to filter the results
    • getApplicationId

      String getApplicationId()
      The applicationId that should be used to filter the results from TrackableRepository.findPromotable(WorkflowPromoteRequest). Can be null if the item is not application discriminatable.
      The applicationId that should be used to filter the results
    • getVisibleFromCatalog

      Set<String> getVisibleFromCatalog()
      Context list of the contextIds for the deep catalog tree parenting the getCatalogId(). This is not a value that is generally populated via JSON. Rather, this variable is generally calculated via lookup of catalog using catalogId. This is helpful for identifying inherited targets during a promotion.
      Context list of the contextIds for the deep catalog tree parenting the getCatalogId()
    • getMessage

      String getMessage()
      A user defined message to go along with the state transition. This is generally descriptive of the purpose served by the transition.
      A user defined message to go along with the state transition
    • setStage

      void setStage(String stage)
      The informational stage in which the originating item resides.
      stage - The informational stage in which the originating item resides.
    • setCatalogId

      void setCatalogId(String catalogId)
      The catalogId that should be used to filter the results from TrackableRepository.findPromotable(WorkflowPromoteRequest). Can be null if the item is not catalog discriminatable.
      catalogId - The catalogId that should be used to filter the results
    • setApplicationId

      void setApplicationId(String applicationId)
      The applicationId that should be used to filter the results from TrackableRepository.findPromotable(WorkflowPromoteRequest). Can be null if the item is not application discriminatable.
      applicationId - The applicationId that should be used to filter the results
    • setVisibleFromCatalog

      void setVisibleFromCatalog(Set<String> visibleFromCatalog)
      Context list of the contextIds for the deep catalog tree parenting the getCatalogId(). This is not a value that is generally populated via JSON. Rather, this variable is generally calculated via lookup of catalog using catalogId. This is helpful for identifying inherited targets during a promotion.
      visibleFromCatalog - list of the contextIds for the deep catalog tree parenting the getCatalogId()
    • setMessage

      void setMessage(String message)
      A user defined message to go along with the state transition. This is generally descriptive of the purpose served by the transition.
      message - A user defined message to go along with the state transition