All Classes and Interfaces

Provides a shared mechanism to return a non-existing Resource in the event that this component can't resolve a resource since one can programmatically determine if a Resource exists.
Endpoint specifically involving imports for a specific author.
Modifies the batch and import with the received completion
A BatchItem after completion.
Initialize the NotificationState for BatchIndexRequestProducer.TYPE on instances of JpaBatchItemCompletion
Service API for BatchItemCompletion.
Transforms a list of JpaBatchItem into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
Status for a BatchItem.
Manages sending notifications, etc for a batch within an import
Creates a BatchRequest for a Batch to be published across a message channel
Configure the durable notification components for BatchRequestProducer.
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler for BatchRequestProducer.
Message channel for emitting a batch output
Status for a Batch.
There are situations where MS Excel converts the word "true" to "TRUE" and "false" to "FALSE".
Component to validate boolean values in an import file.
Transforms a ChangeContainer into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
Returns an example import file resource matching CompleteProductImportSpecification.
Specification for 'complete product' imports, where the input files are typically defining full new products and variants (and related entities) to create in the data store.
A corrolary to FileReader but keeps track of an internal context itself.
A cache to hold user-specified correlation ids to their resource tier identifier counterpart
A message representing a request to the sandbox service to create a given sandbox.
MessageFactory for creating CreateSandboxRequest messages.
Configure the durable notification components for CreateSandboxRequestProducer.
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler for CreateSandboxRequestProducer.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Retrieves or generates the new import error report in "csv" format.
Wrapper of CsvWriter that implements AutoCloseable for use in try-with-resources statements.
ImportBatchIndexableTypeMapping for imports that need to emit messages for BatchIndexableType.CUSTOMER.
CustomizedImportBatchRepository<D extends>
CustomizedImportRepository<D extends>
The main JPA auto configuration that initializes the out of the box JPA repositories and domain.
Properties controlling the CSV import process
Registers components related to vendor visibility.
Looks up resources from classpath:default-examples/$type.$specification.
Generally a file type that this import server knows how to parse and send with JSON to an import tier
Default service to fetch ImportSpecification and GlobalImportSpecification instances.
The different resource tier types that this import service can deal with out-of-box.
Default instance of IndexNotificationService
A Specification that operates solely off of the import type
A message representing a request to the sandbox service to delete the sandbox for a failed Import.
While hard-coded field mappings via ImportSpecification.getHeaderFieldConfigsByRowType() are usually sufficient for most use-cases, there are some scenarios where an import specification may need more flexible, dynamic support for mapping between headers and fields where they may follow a format/pattern/template rather than match a literal value.
Validates that a given address string matches the email regular expression pattern.
Provides validation against expected enumerated String values.
This service is used to generate and retrieve the import errors.
Maintains the list of ExampleImportResolvers to pick the first one that it finds.
Resolves an example file for a given type and file type
A reader for a file of a particular type.
Stores execution data necessary for file reading
This is primarily a marker interface that can be placed on any ImportSpecification implementation to indicate it should be presented as an option in the Broadleaf Admin's central import maintenance screen (see ImportSpecificationService.findAllGlobalImportSpecifications(ContextInfo) and ImportEndpoint.getSpecifications(ContextInfo) for more details).
Service representation of a persisted import
Provides a mechanism to determine the batch indexable type that should be used when emitting BatchIndexRequests for an import.
Repository for persistent counter-parts of BatchItemCompletion.
ImportBatchRepository<D extends>
This interface is used for building a data normalizer, which can be used to pre-process the data from the file before creating the BatchRecord.
MessageFactory for creating DeleteSandboxRequest messages.
Configure the durable notification components for ImportDeleteSandboxRequestProducer.
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler for ImportDeleteSandboxRequestProducer.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Endpoint for generally applicable operations on imports.
Represents field configuration for imported field.
The basic interface for building import field validation
Manages the lifecycle of an import
A listener that accepts triggered scheduled job events of type ImportOrphanCheckListener.IMPORT_ORPHAN_CHECK_JOBTYPE and adjusts the Import.status of any imports that are hanging to ImportStatus.FAILED.
Execution information when an import is being processed.
When an import fails processing
Parses and handles a particular import file.
ImportRepository<D extends>
Describes how an ImportProcessor can handle a particular import
Utility class defining commonly useful functionality for ImportSpecification fields.
Common maximum field length defaults for ImportFieldConfig.getMaxLength().
The DTO for ImportSpecification.
Service to fetch ImportSpecification instances.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for receiving triggered job execution from the scheduled job microservice.
API Error response containing detailed information about import validation errors.
Execution data when validating an import before processing it.
Exception thrown when ImportManager#initiateImport(ImportRequest, MultipartFile) finds validation errors.
Contains detailed information about any validation errors that were found with an import request and file.
Responsible for performing validations of an import request before it is allowed to be processed/persisted.
As batches of import completions are consumed, notify the indexer service via message of a batch of Indexable instances to index.
Persistent counterpart to Batch for use with a JPA-supported datastore.
A logical record from a flat file.
Persistent counter-part to a BatchItemCompletion for use with a JPA-supported datastore.
JPA domain-specific implementation of ImportBatchItemCompletionRepository.
JPA domain-specific implementation of ImportBatchRepository.
JpaImportLobRepository<D extends com.broadleafcommerce.dataimport.provider.jpa.domain.JpaImportLob>
JPA domain-specific repository for JpaImportLob.
JPA domain-specific implementation of ImportRepository.
Responsible for performing vendor-visibility operations on JpaImport entities.
JpaLobStorageService<D extends com.broadleafcommerce.dataimport.provider.jpa.domain.JpaImportLob>
Utilizes Jpa to save and retrieve files for import
An alternative to InputStreamResource that only creates the InputStream when LazyInputStreamResource.getInputStream() is invoked.
An alternative to Supplier that allows throwing an IOException.
Describes a static validation error for a line in an import file.
Validates that a row length matches the provided length value.
Simple validation that allows for numbers only, with a single decimal and from 1-5 decimal places.
Looks up resources from classpath:default-examples/$type.$specification.
A message representing a request to perform the import Import.
Receives the process import event on the message channel to start the import
MessageFactory for creating ProcessImportRequest messages.
Configure the durable notification components for ProcessImportRequestProducer.
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler for ProcessImportRequestProducer.
ImportBatchIndexableTypeMapping for imports that need to emit messages for BatchIndexableType.PRODUCT.
Holds functionality common to product-related specifications.
Purges Import, and related Batch and BatchItemCompletion records since these have the opportunity to grow large
Properties used when purging imports via PurgeImportJobHandler
Utility class containing helpful constants for processing of BatchRecord during reading and parsing.
A response detailing the results of attempting to organize flattened records into a hierarchy.
Validates that a row value matches the provided regular expression.
Specification for SKU inventory imports, where the input files are defining inventory to create/update in the data store.
A dynamic header field mapping that supports mapping headers and fields matching a translation pattern.
For reverse-mapping cases as are needed in TranslationDynamicHeaderFieldMapping.mapFromFieldToHeader(String, String), we want the reverse mappings from ImportSpecification.getHeaderFieldConfigsByRowType() to be computed exactly once and in a thread-safe way.
The default specification for the DefaultImportType.UPDATE_CATALOG_PRICES import type.
Looks up files from classpath:examples/$type.$fileType
This data normalizer is used to convert the date to UTC.
Contains detailed information about any validation errors that were found with an import row
A reader that knows how to parse out records from an Excel sheet