Interface CustomizedImportBatchItemCompletionRepository<D>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ImportBatchItemCompletionRepository<D>, JpaImportBatchItemCompletionRepository<D>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CustomizedImportBatchItemCompletionRepository<D> extends com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.DomainTypeAware
Samarth Dhruva (samarthd)
  • Method Details

    • findByCorrelationIdInOrTopLevelParentIdInOrderedByLineNumber

      Stream<D> findByCorrelationIdInOrTopLevelParentIdInOrderedByLineNumber(String importId, @Nullable Collection<String> correlationIdIn, @Nullable Collection<String> topLevelParentCorrelationIdIn)
      For the given importId, returns all batch item completion records which either have a BatchItemCompletion.correlationId that matches one of the given correlationIdIn values or a BatchItemCompletion.topLevelParentCorrelationId that matches one of the given topLevelParentCorrelationIdIn values.

      Results must be sorted by BatchItemCompletion.lineNumber in ascending order.

      importId - the ID of the import which results should be filtered by
      correlationIdIn - a list of correlation IDs that are valid to return in the result (optional)
      topLevelParentCorrelationIdIn - a list of top level parent correlation IDs that are valid to return in the result (optional)
      all records which either have a BatchItemCompletion.correlationId that matches one of the given correlationIdIn values or a BatchItemCompletion.topLevelParentCorrelationId that matches one of the given topLevelParentCorrelationIdIn values, sorted by BatchItemCompletion.lineNumber in ascending order
    • initializeForIndexing

      @Deprecated(since="1.8.2", forRemoval=true) @Nullable D initializeForIndexing(String batchItemCompletionId, type, List<String> idsToIndex)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      If the import is found, atomically initializes the NotificationState for BatchIndexRequestProducer.TYPE, and renews Import.getLastUpdated().
      batchItemCompletionId - the ID of the BatchItemCompletion instance to modify
      type - The indexable type for the import
      idsToIndex - The repository entity ids to index
      the updated Import if found and updated, null otherwise
    • initializeForIndexing

      @Nullable D initializeForIndexing(String batchItemCompletionId, String batchIndexableType, List<String> idsToIndex)
      If the import is found, atomically initializes the NotificationState for BatchIndexRequestProducer.TYPE, and renews Import.getLastUpdated().
      batchItemCompletionId - the ID of the BatchItemCompletion instance to modify
      batchIndexableType - The indexable type for the import
      idsToIndex - The repository entity ids to index
      the updated Import if found and updated, null otherwise