Interface BatchItemCompletionService<P extends BatchItemCompletion>

All Superinterfaces:<P>,<P>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BatchItemCompletionService<P extends BatchItemCompletion> extends<P>
Samarth Dhruva (samarthd)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createAllFromBatchItems(String importId, List<BatchItem> completedBatchItems)
    Accepts a list of completed BatchItems and creates a BatchItemCompletion for each of them.
    Delete the batch item completions that match the corresponding ids
    findByImportIdAndStatusAndCorrelationIdIn(String importId, String status, Set<String> referencedCorrelationIds)
    Finds and returns all of the item completions whose BatchItemCompletion.importId matches the given importId, BatchItemCompletion.status the given status and BatchItemCompletion.correlationId the set of correlation ids.<P>
    readAllByImportId(String importId, cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters, pageable)
    Finds and returns all of the item completions whose BatchItemCompletion.importId matches the given value.
    Finds and returns all of the item completions whose BatchItemCompletion.importId matches the given importId and BatchItemCompletion.status given status.
    Read a list of batch item completions for the provided import id.
    readByCorrelationIdInOrTopLevelParentIdInOrderedByLineNumber(String importId, Collection<String> correlationIdIn, Collection<String> topLevelParentCorrelationIdIn)
    For the given importId, returns all batch item completion records which either have a BatchItemCompletion.correlationId that matches one of the given correlationIdIn values or a BatchItemCompletion.topLevelParentCorrelationId that matches one of the given topLevelParentCorrelationIdIn values.

    Methods inherited from interface

    create, createAll, createAllAllowingPartialSuccess, delete, readAll, readAll, readAll, readAllByIds, readById, replace, replaceAll, replaceAllAllowingPartialSuccess, update, updateAll, updateAllAllowingPartialSuccess

    Methods inherited from interface

    readAll, readAll, readAll, readAll
  • Method Details

    • createAllFromBatchItems

      List<P> createAllFromBatchItems(String importId, List<BatchItem> completedBatchItems)
      Accepts a list of completed BatchItems and creates a BatchItemCompletion for each of them.
      importId - the ID of the import which the batch items belong to
      completedBatchItems - a list of completed batch items
      all of the created batch item completions
    • readAllByImportId<P> readAllByImportId(String importId, cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters, pageable)
      Finds and returns all of the item completions whose BatchItemCompletion.importId matches the given value.
      importId - the ID of the import whose batch item completions should be returned
      filters - additional filters used to restrict results. Cannot be null - use EmptyNode if no additional filters should be applied.
      pageable - information about which page of results should be returned from the database
      all of the item completions for the given import
    • readAllByImportIdAndStatus

      Stream<P> readAllByImportIdAndStatus(String importId, String status)
      Finds and returns all of the item completions whose BatchItemCompletion.importId matches the given importId and BatchItemCompletion.status given status.
      importId - the ID of the import whose batch item completions should be returned
      status - the status of the record to retrieve
      all of the item completions for the given import and status
    • readByCorrelationIdInOrTopLevelParentIdInOrderedByLineNumber

      Stream<P> readByCorrelationIdInOrTopLevelParentIdInOrderedByLineNumber(String importId, @Nullable Collection<String> correlationIdIn, @Nullable Collection<String> topLevelParentCorrelationIdIn)
      For the given importId, returns all batch item completion records which either have a BatchItemCompletion.correlationId that matches one of the given correlationIdIn values or a BatchItemCompletion.topLevelParentCorrelationId that matches one of the given topLevelParentCorrelationIdIn values.

      Results must be sorted by BatchItemCompletion.lineNumber in ascending order.

      importId - the ID of the import which results should be filtered by
      correlationIdIn - a list of correlation IDs that are valid to return in the result (optional). If not supplied, results will not be filtered by this field.
      topLevelParentCorrelationIdIn - a list of top level parent correlation IDs that are valid to return in the result (optional). If not supplied, results will not be filtered by this field.
      all records which either have a BatchItemCompletion.correlationId that matches one of the given correlationIdIn values or a BatchItemCompletion.topLevelParentCorrelationId that matches one of the given topLevelParentCorrelationIdIn values, sorted by BatchItemCompletion.lineNumber in ascending order
    • findByImportIdAndStatusAndCorrelationIdIn

      List<P> findByImportIdAndStatusAndCorrelationIdIn(String importId, String status, Set<String> referencedCorrelationIds)
      Finds and returns all of the item completions whose BatchItemCompletion.importId matches the given importId, BatchItemCompletion.status the given status and BatchItemCompletion.correlationId the set of correlation ids.
      importId - the ID of the import whose batch item completions should be returned
      status - the status of the record to retrieve
      referencedCorrelationIds - the set of correlation ids
      all of the item completions for the given import and status
    • readBatchItemCompletionIdsByImportIdForPurge

      List<String> readBatchItemCompletionIdsByImportIdForPurge(String importId, int batchSize)
      Read a list of batch item completions for the provided import id. The default implementation of this method starts at page 0 with the intention that these batches are getting purged after each call, which would result in a new set of BatchItemCompletion entities.
      importId - the import id to match batch item completions against
      batchSize - the batch size for results returned
      a list of batch item completions for the provided import id
    • deleteBatchItemCompletionsById

      @Transactional("importTransactionManager") Long deleteBatchItemCompletionsById(List<String> ids)
      Delete the batch item completions that match the corresponding ids
      ids - the list of ids to delete
      the number of batch item completions deleted