
public class JpaBatchItem extends Object
A logical record from a flat file. This could have spanned multiple physical records from the flat file if the logical "parent" record has dependents located within it, laid out in multiple physical rows. Example could be a PRODUCT physical record that contains OPTION records laid out as separate lines but grouped together

Persistent counter-part to a BatchItem for use with a JPA-supported datastore.

Phillip Verheyden (phillipuniverse)
  • Constructor Details

    • JpaBatchItem

      public JpaBatchItem()
  • Method Details

    • getLineNumber

      public long getLineNumber()
    • getCorrelationId

      public String getCorrelationId()
      Identifier that allows the resource tier to map back responses to a record within the batch
    • getRecordType

      public String getRecordType()
      In a multi-typed record file this holds the specific information of what was parsed out from the line in the file. For example in a product import there are PRODUCT, VARIANT, INCLUDED_PRODUCT
    • getOperation

      public com.broadleafcommerce.common.dataimport.messaging.OperationType getOperation()
    • getResourceTierIdentifier

      @Nullable public String getResourceTierIdentifier()
    • getStatus

      public BatchItemStatus getStatus()
    • getErrorMessage

      @Nullable public String getErrorMessage()
      If setStatus(BatchItemStatus) is BatchItemStatus.ERROR then this contains a message detailing what the problem was
    • getRow

      public Map<String,String> getRow()
      A row of data being examined
    • getDependents

      public List<JpaBatchItem> getDependents()
      Items that should be conceptually linked to the parent record that represents this item
    • setLineNumber

      public void setLineNumber(long lineNumber)
    • setCorrelationId

      public void setCorrelationId(String correlationId)
      Identifier that allows the resource tier to map back responses to a record within the batch
    • setRecordType

      public void setRecordType(String recordType)
      In a multi-typed record file this holds the specific information of what was parsed out from the line in the file. For example in a product import there are PRODUCT, VARIANT, INCLUDED_PRODUCT
    • setOperation

      public void setOperation(com.broadleafcommerce.common.dataimport.messaging.OperationType operation)
    • setResourceTierIdentifier

      public void setResourceTierIdentifier(@Nullable String resourceTierIdentifier)
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(BatchItemStatus status)
    • setErrorMessage

      public void setErrorMessage(@Nullable String errorMessage)
      If setStatus(BatchItemStatus) is BatchItemStatus.ERROR then this contains a message detailing what the problem was
    • setRow

      public void setRow(Map<String,String> row)
      A row of data being examined
    • setDependents

      public void setDependents(List<JpaBatchItem> dependents)
      Items that should be conceptually linked to the parent record that represents this item
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object