Class PurgeImportProperties


@ConfigurationProperties("broadleaf.dataimport.purge") public class PurgeImportProperties extends Object
Properties used when purging imports via PurgeImportJobHandler
Chad Harchar (charchar)
  • Constructor Details

    • PurgeImportProperties

      public PurgeImportProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getNumDays

      public int getNumDays()
      The number of days beyond which to delete import data
    • setNumDays

      public void setNumDays(int numDays)
      The number of days beyond which to delete import data
    • getImportBatchSize

      public int getImportBatchSize()
      The number of imports per batch to delete BatchItemCompletion, Batch, and Import entities
    • setImportBatchSize

      public void setImportBatchSize(int importBatchSize)
      The number of imports per batch to delete BatchItemCompletion, Batch, and Import entities
    • getItemCompletionBatchSize

      public int getItemCompletionBatchSize()
      The batch size for deleting BatchItemCompletion entities
    • setItemCompletionBatchSize

      public void setItemCompletionBatchSize(int itemCompletionBatchSize)
      The batch size for deleting BatchItemCompletion entities