Class ProductImportBatchIndexableTypeMapping

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProductImportBatchIndexableTypeMapping extends Object implements ImportBatchIndexableTypeMapping
ImportBatchIndexableTypeMapping for imports that need to emit messages for BatchIndexableType.PRODUCT.
  • Constructor Details

    • ProductImportBatchIndexableTypeMapping

      public ProductImportBatchIndexableTypeMapping()
  • Method Details

    • getBatchIndexableType

      public String getBatchIndexableType(Import importEntity)
      Description copied from interface: ImportBatchIndexableTypeMapping
      Given an import entity, return the batch indexable type that should be used for it (if applicable).

      Typically, most implementations will just determine the indexable type by examining Import.getType().

      Specified by:
      getBatchIndexableType in interface ImportBatchIndexableTypeMapping
      importEntity - the import entity for which to determine the batch indexable type
      the determined batch indexable type for this import entity. In cases where the implementation does not support or cannot determine the batch indexable type for the import, null will be returned.
      See Also:
      • BatchIndexableType
    • getSupportedImportTypes

      protected Set<String> getSupportedImportTypes()