Interface GlobalImportSpecification

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CampaignCodeSpecification, CompleteProductImportSpecification, CustomerSegmentMemberSpecification, CustomerSpecification, OfferCodeSpecification, PriceDataSpecification, ProductSpecification, SkuInventoryImportSpecification, UpdatePricesSpecification

public interface GlobalImportSpecification extends ImportSpecification
This is primarily a marker interface that can be placed on any ImportSpecification implementation to indicate it should be presented as an option in the Broadleaf Admin's central import maintenance screen (see ImportSpecificationService.findAllGlobalImportSpecifications(ContextInfo) and ImportEndpoint.getSpecifications(ContextInfo) for more details). This is opposed to a 'non-global' specification, which would not be presented as an explicit option there, but would still be fully supported and used for any import start requests that match its type. Non-global specifications can be useful if, for example, an import should only be requested from an import grid action in an arbitrary entity's edit page.
Vitalii Voronkov (vvoronkov)
  • Method Details

    • hasParentEntity

      @Deprecated(since="1.8.2", forRemoval=true) default boolean hasParentEntity()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      In some import scenarios, the imported entities cannot exist without a parent entity. For example: campaign id for campaign codes
      true if the entity has parent or false otherwise
    • getParentEntityIdHeader

      @Deprecated(since="1.8.2", forRemoval=true) default Optional<String> getParentEntityIdHeader()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Using the import file to obtain the parent entity ID will no longer be a supported concept, and is replaced by ImportSpecification.parentEntityIdRequiredInRequest()
      In case when entity has parent, we need to specify header in file with parent entity id value
      parent entity header otherwise an empty optional