All Classes and Interfaces

Transforms a list of AbstractListConverter into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
Transforms a map of AbstractMapConverter, AbstractMapConverter into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
A Hibernate UserType for Sets that need conversion to/from Json.
Demarcate a Lob occurrence that should be replaced with Type for persistence layer compatibility.
Annotation that can be applied to a test class to configure a test database to use.
Install the agent in a more resilient manner, with retries.
Responsible for redefining classes at runtime in the classloader.
Default property overrides for the common library
Properties related to connection initialization, specifically for use with ConnectionSchemaInitializer instances.
Initialize a connection pulled from a common datasource and establish the schema used during the connection session.
Converter used for converting a List<Currency> type to a JSON String or before persistence, or vice versa.
Utility for creating proxied DataSource instances that also expose the RoutableDataSource interface for participation in a composite, routing RoutingJpaDataSource instance.
Default implementation of ClassTransformInjector.
A default set of properties for data route configuration that basically describe an embedded datasource state.
Runtime validation of JPA configuration.
Properties to control the behavior of JPA config validation performed at application startup by EntityManagerValidator.
BeanPostProcessor responsible for detecting JpaEntityScan annotation declarations containing one or more basePackages that do not already belong to a root package defined in JpaDataRoute.routePackage().
Identify and handle class transformation for qualified targets early in the application startup lifecycle.
Inspired by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.HibernateDefaultDdlAutoProvider A SchemaManagementProvider that invokes a configurable number of SchemaManagementProvider instances for embedded data sources only.
Indicates a JPA element identifier has been provided that exceeds a max length limit.
A special UserType for a Set collection of Strings.
Converter used for converting a Map with elements of type {@link String, @link Instant} to String before persistence.
Useful constants for JPA entity definitions.
Introduce a bean definition describing a RoutableDataSource factory bean.
Annotation used to describe points of configuration key to establishing a RoutableDataSource for subsequent inclusion in a RoutingJpaDataSource defined elsewhere.
Register an EntityManagerFactory bean definition based on a particular route defined by JpaDataRoute.
Register a data source for an embedded database.
Similar to EntityScan, but allows for tying the scanned entities to a particular route for use with JpaDataRoute and RoutingJpaDataSource.
Simple bean used to inform entity scanning for EntityManagerFactory bean definitions.
Define a bean that contains basic scan information.
Utility class providing some common functions related to working with the JPA API and Broadleaf microservice entities.
Utility methods for ModelMapper field mapping special cases.
Registers a bean factory who in turn generates a supplier component that is responsible for supplying a RoutableDataSource based on a package fragment.
Registers a pooling datasource bean definition.
Expose the Spring JpaProperties and HibernateProperties concepts inside of a specific data route focused property concept.
Represents data route specific properties necessary to configure the data tier.
Denote that a Broadleaf declared repository should leverage a specific type.
Define a SpringLiquibase factory bean for the route defined in JpaDataRoute.
Define a TransactionManager factory bean for the route defined in JpaDataRoute.
Define a TransactionTemplate factory bean for the route defined in JpaDataRoute.
Converter used for converting a String List type to a JSON String before persistence.
MariaDB specific version of ConnectionSchemaInitializer
MySql specific version of ConnectionSchemaInitializer
Converter used for converting an arbitrary Map type to String before persistence.
Hibernate 6 dialect for Oracle that fixes conversion for Broadleaf Y/N character-based boolean fields.
Oracle specific version of ConnectionSchemaInitializer
Hibernate customizer for properties related to Oracle.
Postgres specific version of ConnectionSchemaInitializer
Primarily used in conjunction with the * broadleaf.jpa.replace.lob.classes property - along with the * AlternateLob annotation.
Identify and handle class transformation for qualified targets early in the application startup lifecycle.
Manager component for determining the overridden managed type of a repository.
Represents a JPA datasource that can participate in a composite RoutingJpaDataSource.
Simple extension of Spring's AbstractRoutingDataSource that performs the matching of the DataRouteContext.getLookupKey() with RoutableDataSource.getLookupKey() in order for this composite data source to return the correct underlying datasource.
Utility for exporting a generated schema from emitted persistence configuration via ORM (from entity metadata) to a Liquibase change log xml file.
Spring environment initializer.
A modified Mariadb ORM dialect describing any Broadleaf specific schema generation requirements for JPA entities.
A modified Mysql ORM dialect describing any Broadleaf specific schema generation requirements for JPA entities.
A modified Oracle ORM dialect describing any Broadleaf specific schema generation requirements for JPA entities.
DataSource capable of delegating connection acquisition to another datasource, but performing connection initialization on retrieved connections before passing to the caller.
Additional properties that define datasource configuration that employs SchemaDelegatingDataSource and included as part of a larger JpaPropertyRelated property file.
A shortened version of the JPA element identifier that should be used instead at runtime.
Condition that matches if the current spring boot version is less than or equal to 2.3.x.
SqlExceptionHelper is not fully responsive to Spring Boot property setting regarding logging level.
SqlExceptionHelper is not fully responsive to Spring Boot property setting regarding logging level.
Converter used for converting a String List type to a JSON String before persistence.
Converter used for converting an arbitrary Map type to String before persistence.
A special UserType for a Set collection of Strings.
Simple AOP around advice for TransactionSynchronizationManager.
Immediately after environment processing, but before Spring bean realization, redefine Spring's TransactionSynchronizationManager for AOP around advice and customizations.
Yugabyte specific version of ConnectionSchemaInitializer