Class TransactionSynchronizationManagerAdvice


public final class TransactionSynchronizationManagerAdvice extends Object
Simple AOP around advice for TransactionSynchronizationManager. It is a static utility class in Spring for managing resources in a transaction. Since it is not a bean, it is more sane and less brittle to consider customization from an AOP perspective, rather than attempt to unwind a large call hierarchy to affect similar change.

With Broadleaf data routing, we have occurrences of an EntityManagerFactory backed by a fully routed datasource, and an EntityManagerFactory backed by a traditional datasource targeted at a specific database/schema. Either are valid, and for the purposes of transactional thread binding, they are synonymous. To compress to a single binding (instead of multiple), we intercept calls here to TransactionSynchronizationManager and create a unified key based on the route that either EntityManagerFactory will match against. This allows us to save on the number of EntityManagers that are created for the transaction (avoid redundancy) and also save on the number of connections requested from the DB connection pool as a result.
  • Method Details

    • init

      public static void init()
    • constructKey

      public static Object constructKey(Object key)