Class EntityManagerValidatorProperties


@ConfigurationProperties("broadleaf.jpa.validator") public class EntityManagerValidatorProperties extends Object
Properties to control the behavior of JPA config validation performed at application startup by EntityManagerValidator.
  • Constructor Details

    • EntityManagerValidatorProperties

      public EntityManagerValidatorProperties()
  • Method Details

    • isShouldLog

      public boolean isShouldLog()
      Whether or not the system should log JPA validation errors during startup. True by default.
    • isShouldFail

      public boolean isShouldFail()
      Whether or not startup should fail on JPA validation errors. False by default.
    • isValidateIdentifierLength

      public boolean isValidateIdentifierLength()
      Whether or not validation should be performed on JPA element identifier length. This can be important to some older versions of Oracle DB. False by default.
    • setShouldLog

      public void setShouldLog(boolean shouldLog)
      Whether or not the system should log JPA validation errors during startup. True by default.
    • setShouldFail

      public void setShouldFail(boolean shouldFail)
      Whether or not startup should fail on JPA validation errors. False by default.
    • setValidateIdentifierLength

      public void setValidateIdentifierLength(boolean validateIdentifierLength)
      Whether or not validation should be performed on JPA element identifier length. This can be important to some older versions of Oracle DB. False by default.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object