Interface ClassTransformInjector

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultClassTransformInjector, ReplaceLobClassTransformInjector

public interface ClassTransformInjector
Responsible for redefining classes at runtime in the classloader. Primarily used to alter bytecode for entities containing one or more JPA element identifiers that exceed the max length for Oracle. However, this should not be considered a hard limitation of the types of transformations that can take place.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    init(boolean dryRun)
    Initialize the transformation and subsequent redefinition of classes in the classloader.
    default void
    Reload previously targeted classes (presumably through init(boolean)) with their original state - prior to transformation.
  • Method Details

    • init

      void init(boolean dryRun)
      Initialize the transformation and subsequent redefinition of classes in the classloader.
      dryRun - Whether or not redefinition should actually take place, or just identification of transformation targets and logging.
    • reset

      default void reset()
      Reload previously targeted classes (presumably through init(boolean)) with their original state - prior to transformation.