Class SchemaCompatibiltyUtility


public final class SchemaCompatibiltyUtility extends Object
Utility for exporting a generated schema from emitted persistence configuration via ORM (from entity metadata) to a Liquibase change log xml file. This utility furthermore has validation functionality. Here's a list of the specific features.
  1. Generate a change log - used to create a new change log xml for the entities known to Spring and ORM at runtime.
  2. Generate diff - used to append delta change sets to a previous change log from the most recent state of entities known to Spring and ORM at runtime.
  3. Validate release - used to confirm a change log is up-to-date with the most recent state of entities known to Spring and ORM at runtime. This can also serve as an extra checkpoint to detect unknown entity changes that would affect the schema requirements for a release - especially a patch release, which should not have deltas here.
This utility is most often employed as part of a integration test that couples it with Spring and allows a dev to easily generate up-to-date change log files, while also allowing a CI pipeline to perform validation checks during a release. This utility works with the RDBMS platforms supported by Broadleaf. Note, Broadleaf currently supports the following RDBMS platforms and versions:
  1. Postgres >= 9.2
  2. Oracle >= 12cR1
  3. MySql >= 8
  4. Mariadb >= 10.2.2
In order to discover certain files within a project, this utility will attempt to find the root of the current project relative to the build directory. By default, this utility keys off of a Jenkinsfile defined in the root of a project that follows a build directory structure of "root/dir1/dir2/target/classes" or "root/dir1/target/classes" (e.g. myproject/services/catalog/target/classes) These defaults can be overriden by passing in the following environment properties: "broadleaf.project.root" and "". For example, you can define a flat project structure with an empty placeholder file called BLCRoot at the root of the project with a build directory of "myproject/target/classes" by defining "broadleaf.project.root=BLCRoot" and ""
Jeff Fischer
  • Field Details


      public static final String IGNORE_VALIDATION
      Label designating that a changeset should not be evaluated for destructive changes, or be considered for separation into a drop changelog. Does not benefit from reverse engineering comparison.
      See Also:
    • CUSTOM

      public static final String CUSTOM
      Label designating that a changeset is forced for inclusion and is protected from being removed or altered during JPA schema comparison.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • validateForRelease

      public static void validateForRelease(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext appctx) throws Exception
      During a release, we expect to find a existing changelog file in the codebase, and we expect that file to be up-to-date with the current entities that Spring and the ORM are aware of at runtime. This utility method performs that check and will throw an IllegalStateException should that validation fail.
      appctx - The spring application context
      Exception - Any exception occurring during the validation, including an IllegalStateException.
    • setup

      public static void setup(String jdbcUrl, String userName, String password, String driverClassname, String dialect, String platform, String databaseName)
      Catch-all setup method that establishes base configuration for execution.
      jdbcUrl - The jdbc url for connecting to the target database for schema generation
      userName - The login username
      password - The password for login
      driverClassname - The jdbc driver class
      dialect - The ORM dialect class name
      platform - The Liquibase short name for the database platform
      databaseName - The name of the database connecting to. This is the target schema for mysql, mariadb, and oracle. This is the target catalog for postgres.
    • setup

      public static void setup(String jdbcUrl, String userName, String password, String databaseName)
      Short-version setup method that establishes base configuration for execution.
      jdbcUrl - The jdbc url for connecting to the target database for schema generation
      userName - The login username
      password - The password for login
      databaseName - The name of the database connecting to. This is the target schema for mysql, mariadb, and oracle. This is the target catalog for postgres.
    • mySqlSetup

      public static void mySqlSetup(String jdbcUrl, String userName, String password, String databaseName)
      Mysql platform specific setup method that establishes base configuration for execution.
      jdbcUrl - The jdbc url for connecting to the target database for schema generation
      userName - The login username
      password - The password for login
      databaseName - The name of the database connecting to. This is the target schema for mysql, mariadb, and oracle. This is the target catalog for postgres.
    • mariaSetup

      public static void mariaSetup(String jdbcUrl, String userName, String password, String databaseName)
      Mariadb platform specific setup method that establishes base configuration for execution.
      jdbcUrl - The jdbc url for connecting to the target database for schema generation
      userName - The login username
      password - The password for login
      databaseName - The name of the database connecting to. This is the target schema for mysql, mariadb, and oracle. This is the target catalog for postgres.
    • oracleSetup

      public static void oracleSetup(String jdbcUrl, String userName, String password)
      Oracle platform specific setup method that establishes base configuration for execution.
      jdbcUrl - The jdbc url for connecting to the target database for schema generation
      userName - The login username
      password - The password for login
    • postgresSetup

      public static void postgresSetup(String jdbcUrl, String userName, String password, String databaseName)
      Postgres platform specific setup method that establishes base configuration for execution.
      jdbcUrl - The jdbc url for connecting to the target database for schema generation
      userName - The login username
      password - The password for login
      databaseName - The name of the database connecting to. This is the target schema for mysql, mariadb, and oracle. This is the target catalog for postgres.
    • yugabyteSetup

      public static void yugabyteSetup(String jdbcUrl, String userName, String password, String databaseName)
    • generateLog

      public static void generateLog(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext appctx) throws Exception
      Generate a change log xml file based on the current entity configuration known to Spring and the ORM. If no file currently exists, a new one will be created. If a file already exists, any deltas from the current know state and that described in the change log file are added to the change log file. If the change log file is up-to-date, it is left alone.
      appctx - The spring application context
      Exception - Any exception occurring during the change log generation
    • initializeOracleUser

      public static void initializeOracleUser(String sysPassword, String jdbcUrl, String newUser, String newPassword)
    • registerTypeContributionOverrides

      public static void registerTypeContributionOverrides(org.hibernate.boot.model.TypeContributions typeContributions, org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect dialect)