Class SchemaDelegatingProperties
Additional properties that define datasource configuration that employs
and included as part of a larger JpaPropertyRelated
property file. This allows through configuration alone a setup that declares multiple datasources
(each tied to a schema) backed by a common base datasource. This config is generally employed as
part of a uber service installation where multiple services run together in a single JVM.
Configuration is achieved similar to the following:
broadleaf: database: provider: jpa composite: datasource: url: 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/broadleaf' username: broadleaf password: demo hikari: maximumPoolSize: 10 properties: hibernate: jdbc: lob: non_contextual_creation: true adminnavigation: liquibase: change-log: 'classpath:/db/changelog/adminnavigation.postgres.changelog-master.yaml' liquibase-schema: public default-schema: adminnavigation delegating: schema: adminnavigation delegate-ref: composite
Note, that an arbitrary datasource configuration (honoring structure described in
) is included at broadleaf.composite
(the broadleaf prefix is
inferred by the system). This represents the base datasource to which connection retrieval is
delegated. Then, in broadleaf.adminnavigation.delegating
, we describe the properties
fulfilled here in SchemaDelegatingProperties
, which are realized in
. Note that delegate-ref
is pointing back to the base
datasource configuration.
The properties here are optional and can be defined instead of
. If JpaPropertyRelated.getDatasource()
properties are used in configuration instead, it is assumed the service wishes to utilize a
traditional, isolated datasource. Several services in an overall uber configuration may use
, while others may instead composite datasource
connection management through JpaPropertyRelated.getDelegating()
related properties.
Different combinations may be employed and there are no restrictions to quantity of either.- Author:
- Jeff Fischer
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionThe back-reference to another section of configuration that fully describes the base datasource backing theSchemaDelegatingDataSource
.The schema that borrowed connections should be initialized to inSchemaDelegatingDataSource
(String delegateRef) The back-reference to another section of configuration that fully describes the base datasource backing theSchemaDelegatingDataSource
The schema that borrowed connections should be initialized to inSchemaDelegatingDataSource
Constructor Details
public SchemaDelegatingProperties()
Method Details
The schema that borrowed connections should be initialized to inSchemaDelegatingDataSource
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The schema that borrowed connections should be initialized to inSchemaDelegatingDataSource
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The back-reference to another section of configuration that fully describes the base datasource backing theSchemaDelegatingDataSource
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The back-reference to another section of configuration that fully describes the base datasource backing theSchemaDelegatingDataSource