All Classes and Interfaces

Allow lenient fallback on a default DataRouteSupporting in a composite routing component when it is determined that the current call stack is part of a Spring actuator call.
Converts destination objects that are assignable from the source objects.
Common beans for all cache manager strategies.
Annotation defining a bean name as an alias for an existing bean id.
Registers a alias bean definition in Spring based on BeanAlias and/or BeanAliases.
Annotation defining one or more bean alias definitions.
BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor that will loop through a list of registered BeanRemovalIdentifier instances and enact removal of the BeanDefinition identified by each from the Spring BeanDefinitionRegistry.
Register an instance of this component in spring config to cause the bean identified by BeanRemovalIdentifier.beanName to be removed from the spring BeanDefinitionRegistry.
Several caches (most notably caches related to entity retrieval) are sensitive to the value of this thread local.
Simple filter to remove CacheContext state at the termination of a request thread.
Basic information used for interaction with the CacheManager during a CacheUtility.forSingleWith(CacheStateManager) call.
Properties related to Broadleaf's integration with Spring Cache.
Implementations can post process results returned from the cache before they are returned from the call to CacheStateManager.computeIfAbsent(Supplier, CacheInfo) or CacheStateManager.computeIfAbsent(Function, ImperativeListCacheInfo).
Declaring beans contribute behavior to the CacheStateManager.
Provides functionality to support interaction with the CacheManager.
Utility class for working with several interactions between broadleaf and spring cache.
Default property overrides for the common library
In the event that a user wants to define their own custom bundle, we want to allow them to name it for their convenience.
Configuration to support setting up a JaegerTracer, specifically with support for datarouting influence on the serviceName reported by the tracer.
Factory class for creating new proxies for ConfigurationProperties annotated classes.
KeyGenerator to use with Spring Cache for method response caching that needs to take into account DataRouteContext as part of the cache key determination.
Implementation of UdpSender that works in conjunction with the ThriftSender and can embellish a span before emitting it.
Spring AOP aspect that identifies components annotated with DataRouteByExample and sets up a route proxy that establishes a DataRouteContext for any calls on the proxied component's API.
This annotation identifies an example class whose package name is used to narrow the appropriate DataRouteSupporting component (for example, a RoutableDataSource in JPA) via a PackageDataRouteSupplier implementation.
This annotation identifies a route key that is used to narrow the appropriate DataRouteSupporting component (for example, a RoutableDataSource in JPA) via a PackageDataRouteSupplier implementation.
Spring AOP aspect that identifies components annotated with DataRouteByKey and sets up a route proxy that establishes a DataRouteContext for any calls on the proxied component's API.
Thread local container defining a key used by a composite data routing component to narrow to a single underlying routable component.
Call handler for a DataRouteSupporting proxies.
Identifies a component whose execution should be tied to a particular route (or flow).
Property binding class exposing whether or not the data route feature is active.
Additional interface applied to DataRouteSupporting proxies that allows access to the internal component.
Utility class used to filter routable concepts.
Library of most known data routes.
Universal marker interface that identifies a lookup key that a data routing composite component can use to identify a specific underlying routable component.
Utility class for processing and handling of route scenarios at runtime.
Perform a task and return a confirmation in the form of a boolean.
Perform a task and return an arbitrary object instance as response.
Perform a task and return nothing, but expose a checked exception.
Perform a task and return nothing.
Default transition object for holding state during method chaining from CacheUtility.forListWith(CacheStateManager).
Default instance of RoundedInstantFactory.
Default transition object for holding state during method chaining from CacheUtility.forSingleWith(CacheStateManager).
BeanPostProcessor that identifies components annotated with ConfigurationProperties and sets up a proxy that circumvents the default property handling in favor of dynamic retrieval from the Spring environment.
Studies the method call on a ConfigurationProperties annotated bean to determine if it should be evaluated for tenant related discrimination.
Finds a discriminated property in the environment for the given basic key, if available.
Thread local context for holding any tenant related information for the current request.
Beans declaring this interface as a return type supply regex pattern expressions that, when matched, cause a ConfigurationProperties annotated bean to be excluded for proxy handling by DiscriminatedConfigurationPropertiesBeanPostProcessor.
Pulls tenant related information from the request context, if applicable and supplies it as thread local via DiscriminatedPropertyContext.
Beans declaring this interface as a return type supply regex pattern expressions that, when matched, cause a ConfigurationProperties annotated bean to be included for proxy handling by DiscriminatedConfigurationPropertiesBeanPostProcessor.
Supplier of entity classes scanned and determined to be associated with a particular route.
Intended to be implemented by Spring Data repositories that should express the underlying, managed domain class type.
Emit a report to the console during application startup (near the beginning).
Properties related to Broadleaf's EnvironmentReport.
Jackson deserializer module capable of matching against specific variations of Projection based on the generic parameterized type.
Default cache configuration leveraging Apache Ignite.
Add some ignite specific cache metrics to micrometer output on interval.
Utility providing configurer instances for applying standard default configurations to individual Ignite-based cache instances.
Add some ignite specific cache metrics to micrometer output on interval.
Store basic information about cache as it relates to calls to CacheStateManager.computeIfAbsent(Function, ImperativeListCacheInfo).
API used during method chaining from CacheUtility.forListWith(CacheStateManager).
Marker interface to denote the key should also take into account an incremented instant param.
TypeSafe invocation of a method on a target object based on a method exposed from a example class.
Supply a target object instance (i.e.
Registration config for the TypeFactoryAwareDeserializerModule
Utility class for performing a cache related operation lazily if an expiration threshold has been met.
If no DataRouteContext is set, and it is desirable for a default DataRouteSupporting to be made available, instances of this interface can be made available as bean and inspect the exception trace and respond positively if the default can be used.
A converter to help inform ModelMapper how to convert locales.
Appends our default basename to the basenames set for the MessageSource at the lowest priority, so any message bundles defined by a user will take precedence.
Helper class for common base configuration and/or factory construction of ModelMapper instances.
A converter to help inform ModelMapper how to convert MonetaryAmounts.
Represents a param for cache key generation that includes a name.
Gate configuration based on spring cache type not being set to "NONE".
Supplier of a registered package fragment determined to be associated with a particular route.
Represents a projection class mapping to a persisted domain class.
A factory class used for creating dynamic projection classes from a domain class.
Handles projection creation through the ProjectionFactory, and is further responsible for registering type extensions with the TypeFactory, as well as registering any required deserializer modules with the Jackson ObjectMapper for appropriate deserialization to the projection upon entry into the service endpoint.
Represents an override of a type to use during Json deserialization.
For any ProjectionReferredTypeOverride instances, will establish a class mapping in TypeFactory, and then establish the appropriate TypeFactoryAwareDeserializer in the TypeFactoryAwareDeserializerModule.
Factory for providing instantations of concrete implementations of the Projection interface based on a reference persistence domain class.
If prometheus is currently deployed with the system (especially in the case of a k8s deployment), this dependency check may be leveraged to determine if a set of dependent services are available.
Proxies created via ConfigurationPropertiesProxyFactory implement this interface to provide additional utility functions that aid proxy call processing.
Identifies as class as having a similar API to a referenced class.
Inspired by Spring's ReflectionUtils.
Supplier of a repository class determined to be associated with one or more routes.
Intended to be used within a JsonView to demarcate which properties are accepted in a request from external (e.g.
Intended to be used within a JsonView to demarcate which properties serialized in the response from and endpoint
Inform of the current, specific time and a rounded time useful as an incremental cache key fragment.
Factory for Instant creation for use in driving temporal aspects of the software, such as active date filtering in queries.
API used during method chaining from CacheUtility.forSingleWith(CacheStateManager).
Component capable of informing the system regarding the current time it should consider.
Modified from original for compatibility with libthrift 0.14.0
Modified from original for compatibility with libthrift 0.14.0
Inject this factory into other components when you need to perform an object creation based on a known TypeSupplier.
A deserializer that appropriately swaps out deserialized types via the most-derived type registered in the TypeFactory.
Registers deserializers for all of the types known in the TypeFactory
Functional interface for component responsible for creating instances of an unknown type.
Inspired by Java's UndeclaredThrowableException Thrown by a method invocation on a proxy instance if its invocation handler's invoke method throws a checked exception (a Throwable that is not assignable to RuntimeException or Error) that is not assignable to any of the exception types declared in the throws clause of the method that was invoked on the proxy instance and dispatched to the invocation handler.
Provide a vehicle for Proxy instances that wrap an underlying object to expose that wrapped object.