Interface TemporalIdentifier

public interface TemporalIdentifier
Component capable of informing the system regarding the current time it should consider. This is most often used in combination with active date handling for entities during querying.
Jeff Fischer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Whether or not active date filtering should be considered in the current flow.
    If a preview date is supported and properly configured, return that date.
  • Method Details

    • nowOrPreviewDate

      Instant nowOrPreviewDate()
      If a preview date is supported and properly configured, return that date. Otherwise, return the current time.
      A future time, or the current time - whichever this component deems appropriate
    • isFilterByActiveDates

      boolean isFilterByActiveDates()
      Whether or not active date filtering should be considered in the current flow.
      Whether or not active date filtering should be considered in the current flow