Interface ImperativeListCacheable

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ImperativeListCacheable
Jeff Fischer
  • Method Details

    • andEntityInfo

      ImperativeListCacheable andEntityInfo(Function<String,EntityInfo> factoryFunction)
      Optional. Provide additional, identifying information about the cache member via the factory function. The string passed to the factory function is taken from each member of ImperativeListCacheInfo.getImperativeArgs() and is often useful to provide as the id argument during EntityInfo construction. This information is used to influence the cache key, allowing the identifying information to be discerned by other processes (e.g. discrete cache invalidation).
      factoryFunction - Used to construct additional, identifying information about the cache member
      The chained element
    • computeIfAbsent

      <P> List<P> computeIfAbsent(Function<List<String>,List<P>> compute)