Interface DiscriminatedPropertyIncludeFilterSupplier

Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface DiscriminatedPropertyIncludeFilterSupplier
Beans declaring this interface as a return type supply regex pattern expressions that, when matched, cause a ConfigurationProperties annotated bean to be included for proxy handling by DiscriminatedConfigurationPropertiesBeanPostProcessor. The regex expression need not match the entire ConfigurationProperties.prefix(), and can instead match only part of it, as it employs Matcher.find().

Broadleaf includes default matching for prefix patterns to only include Broadleaf scoped property beans. You can include/exclude additional patterns, or disable the default Broadleaf handling in favor of your own patterns by setting the property to false.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
  • Method Details