Interface DiscriminatedConfigurationPropertiesMethodCallProcessor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DiscriminatedConfigurationPropertiesMethodCallProcessor
Studies the method call on a ConfigurationProperties annotated bean to determine if it should be evaluated for tenant related discrimination. Valid candidate methods include zero parameter property accessors whose return type is the same as the field type they serve. All other detected method calls are handled as simple passthrough.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    processMethod(Object configClassInstance, Method originalMethod, Method proxyMethod, Object[] args, String key)
    Handle a method call on a ConfigurationProperties annotated bean
  • Method Details

    • processMethod

      @Nullable Object processMethod(@NonNull Object configClassInstance, @NonNull Method originalMethod, @NonNull Method proxyMethod, @NonNull Object[] args, @NonNull String key)
      Handle a method call on a ConfigurationProperties annotated bean
      configClassInstance - The ConfigurationProperties annotated bean instance
      originalMethod - The method in the superClass being proxied
      proxyMethod - The method being called
      args - The args being passed
      key - The ConfigurationProperties.prefix() value from the bean instance
      The result of the method call - possibly a discriminated property value